Sunday, May 31, 2009

God Wants You to Know......

On this day of your life, Candy, we believe God wants you to know...
... that today is a big day for you.

Yes, today. Keep your eyes open for a message. It might come in a shape of a bird flying overhead, or a graffiti on a wall, or a phrase said by a passerby, or... Whatever shape it has, this message has been trying to reach you for years, and today is finally the day. Keep your senses open.

The Great Singapore Sale

The much-awaited season of the year has just started...... The Great Singapore Sale is here! Discounts, freebies, promotions are everywhere.... from Coach Bags to Guess.... Zara to Giordano... name it and they have it!

This annual Singapore event will run for just 8 weeks but sad to say, I still have to wait 'till next year (if I'd still be here) to finally feel what SHOPPING in SINGAPORE really means. My earnings until middle of next year are already planned for something more precious.

Prada, Coach, Lacoste and CK..... please wait for me, oki? :D

Sunday, May 24, 2009

God Wants You to Know......

On this day of your life, Candy, we believe God wants you to know......
that humans learn only by trial and error, and that includes you.

You've got to live life, not think about it. Step into the midst of things, try and fail and learn and stand up again. The question is not whether you will or will not make mistakes - you will. The question is do you want to learn and grow, or do you want to shrink back and be stuck? Take that step you've been avoiding. You can succeed, or you can get feedback that it didn't work, but in either case you are sure to feel alive.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Lacoste and Crocs

Yesterday was the start of the CROCS 3-day sale in EXPO. My colleague, Weng and I enthusiastically decided to come over after office. 30 minutes before our usual time off, we left the workplace and excitedly walk towards EXPO. It surprised us to see that there was no more a long queue of patrons trying to get inside, contrary to what I personally witnessed during its last sale a few months back and what our other officemate told us earlier. In no time, we were already inside the venue. While browsing thru all the displays, digging deeply into the boxes full of sandals and shoes, I found the reason why the buyers were only few.... there were no more enough stocks left!!!!!! Limited models.... limited size.... arrrghhh!!!!

Lesson learnt : during Crocs sale, be at the venue 2 hrs before it opens.

While roaming around, I found this Sporty Adara which perfectly fitted my right foot at size 6. Yes, just the right foot 'coz the partner was missing. I searched for it for about 30 minutes but luck was not on my side. When Weng was done buying 3 pairs for her son and equally frustrated as I was 'coz she couldn't find her size for her fave model, we just decided to surrender and just pay for what we'd got. I still grabbed a pair of Ithaca for my father anyway.

I'm not really a fan of Crocs, I just wanted to have a new pair of flip-flops that I can use at anytime of the day. But since I got attracted to this Sporty Adara, the moment I saw it, I went to Crocs store at Marina Square this afternoon and looked for it... sale or no sale hehehe....

But before that, I went inside of Royal Sporting House at Suntec to check if there are still Lacoste shoes on sale. Actually, this store never ran out of Lacoste sale, its just that at times, the models do not satisfy my taste. But this day was different. To make the long story short, I bought a new pair of Aven Rainbow *wink*

Going back to Crocs, at the store, I asked the salesman if they had the model I'd been searching for... and his reply : "sorry ma'am, no more stocks... already phase out". HUH?!?!? My frustration got worse upon hearing it. So I just asked, "where are your new arrivals?" He pointed to this display which has 5 different colors. I took the pink one, tried it and it looked good on me. I asked if I could get a new stock. He checked at the stock room but then again, what I was holding turned to be the last pair for my size. I proceeded immediately to the cashier and paid for it. In just a span of an hour, I now have two pairs of footwear hehehe...

Monday, May 11, 2009


I cry when I'm extremely glad....

I cry when I'm deeply sad....

I cry when I'm furiously mad...

and I cry when I'm feeling bad.