Saturday, September 18, 2010


148 days ago since we last waved goodbye and uttered the words "see you soon..." And since then, I've been looking forward to this day when I will get to see him again.

August 23
I woke up at 3am and prepared myself to look and feel good as much as I could. Took a heavy breakfast, cold shower and put on my daily dose of make-up to cover up any imperfections due to lack of sleep. 6:00AM is the ETA of his flight from Zurich and I reached Terminal 3 of Changi International Airport 10 minutes earlier. Thanks to the on-time trips of Bus 3 and SMRT that I managed to be there at less cost ;) I checked the electronic boards to find the gate where I suppose to wait. Gate 43 it says. So I sat in one of the vacant seats in front of Gate 43 and few minutes later he texted, "Now Immigration then baggage belt!" Yes, excitement pours in as I search for a familiar face from this bunch of strangers walking out of the gate.

And finally, a tired but gorgeous face came out.  About 20 feet away, I saw him smiled... and I waved and smiled back. I walked gracefully to hide my excitement but I guess it was too obvious to hide.  Then we kissed and it felt like it was just yesterday since the last time we did it. 
And he immediately gave the chocolates he promised :D
We soon got a cab and headed to Fairmont Hotel where he would stay for 3 weeks.  We took a nap, he refreshed himself up with a quick warm bath then we went to the CBP office together.

Just before he checked the training rooms that he will use on his 1st week here, I introduced him to my friends/teammates and went on a tour around the office floor.  And at lunchtime, he had salad and I had pasta from Souperlicious.

Until the jetlag kicks in :(  He had to go back to the hotel and get some sleep.

Right after work, I bought a Carl's burger and half-dozen JCO donuts for his dinner and surprised him in the hotel.  Thank God, he liked it! :D 

August 24
Today is the first training session for the project he works for.  I, together with another group from Operations, attended.  It only took him an hour and a half to finish the presentation and afterwards, we went to Din Tai Fung in Tampines Mall for lunch.  This time, we were with my teammates and some pinay friends from other group.

And in the afternoon, he moved to our ORL office and we just met in the evening.

August 25
The 2nd session was supposed to be with another Support Team but due to conflicting skeds, the training turned out to be just him and me :D   

Lunch is in Subway this time, a 10-minute walk from the office building.

August 26
Another training day for him today, minus Kendz.  So, we only got the chance to meet at lunch in Yummy Chiffon.  We both had Chicken Cutlet + Fried Rice + Egg + Coke and shared a piece of Chocolate Chiffon Cake for dessert.

August 27
This is going to be his last training day in CBP office, for the next 2 weeks, he'll join the rest of the Project Team in ORL office.  I felt a bit sad, of course.  It would only mean less chances of seeing and being with him :(  Anyways, we'll see if the universe will conspire to make wonderful things happen :D

By the way, we had our lunch in Lerk Thai together with Monika (his boss), Pipay, Erika and April (my officemates).

And since it's a Friday, we both deserve a relaxing evening as a start of our first weekend together :).  Nope, we didn't hang out in a bar nor had a romantic dinner by candlelight.  He worked till 9pm, had dinner with the bosses and finally we met at the hotel lobby so late in the evening so we just decided to crash his room's mini bar and had counted the Singapore city lights from the 20th floor of the hotel.  

August 28
Saturday is still a working day for him :(  but it wasn't too long  that we still had a chance to grab a dinner in the busiest district of Singapore. 

T.G.I.Friday's Orchard

And once again ended the brilliant night overlooking the Marina Bay

Oh, before I forget, thanks Alain for giving me this cute heart of yours :)
August 29
Time to momentarily part ways... to give him much-needed space from me... :D

August 30
Did not get a chance to have a glimpse of him today :(( and before I slept tonight, I received a text message from him... saying sorry for something he had done yesterday... which is:  for sending me, according to him, a "lame" text message.  Just one of the sweetest things he has done for me.

August 31
On this day, he went to CBP for a meeting and we had a chance to see each other again, for 5 minutes.... :( yes short and quick 5 minutes... he had a meeting one after the other and the only break that he got was the time for me to attend an urgent team meeting... WTF!!!! Nevertheless, the day was still better than not to see him at all :D

September 1
Just an ordinary "facial" day for me :D

September 2
Early afternoon today, I got a mail invite from him asking me If we could watch a movie tonight.  (Last Saturday, we came to see a teaser of this comedy film with Adam Sandler and we both promised we would watch this in the big screen sometime.) If there's one thing that I am grateful for during his 3-week stay here, that is, my work was super cooperative.  No OTs, no weekend work... which means.. more TIME for and with him :)

So, I immediately booked a ticket:

September 3 - 4
"Me" time for A & C.

September 5
It's the last day of IT Show for this quarter.  I was about to go to Suntec to check for an iPod Speaker when I received a text message from him that he just came from the event and bought a massager.  I went to his place and tested his new toy and it was pretty cool :)  I could see the excitement all over his face.  He tied and locked it on his chair and never failed to use it in a single day :D

At this point in time, I got too lazy to go to the IT exhibit.  Instead, we just pampered our tummies with superb Filipino dishes from 7107 Flavours.

September 6
What so special about today? Hhhmm... nothing much... I just ironed around 3 sets of his office clothes that he can use for the next days :)

September 7
He worked for 10 hours, overtime in the office while the others are having a party in Sentosa celebrating a colleague's birthday.  Doesn't he deserve a sumptuous meal from New York! New York! ?
snob :P
September 8
Got an early evening invite from him to join him and the rest of his friends at the New Asia Bar for a relaxing night.  Unfortunately, I was already at home and in the middle of domestic duties that I could not even leave for a night.  I've been to this place and I told myself then I would bring him here, at the 71st floor of a first class hotel perfectly located in the heart of Singapore.  God knows how much I wanted to be with him and witness the panoramic view of Singapore at night.  But timing was not perfect :(

Few minutes later, he informed me that they just decided to spend the night in Chjmes and assured me that there will still be a first time for us together in this classy and sleek night spot.

September 9
Tomorrow is a holiday and tonight, a party is set to celebrate Erika's birthday.  We reached Prive in Harbour Front at exactly 8PM, just in time for dinner.  Days before, I have already invited Alain to join us but he couldn't commit because of the project workload which will go to production tomorrow.  And he just predicted it right, he was in the office 'til 10PM and it would be too late for him to catch up :(  I was a bit sad, then.  I've been looking forward to this occasion where he could join me and my friends in a stress-free get-together.  Where we could just hang out, drink some booze and PARTY!!! But I guess, we just had to set it some time.
group pic :)
September 10
Thank God it's not just a Friday, but it is a Holiday! :)  which means.... LONG WEEKEND!!!! And a perfect time for me to finally buy some souvenirs for Alain and his family.
Alain left the hotel for work so early today... it was around 8AM, I guess :(  I was too sleepy to check on the clock then.  I gave myself another hour on the bed before I took a cold shower and left.  It's a perfect day for me to go shopping! but not for me, but for him and his family.  Hhmmm nothing extravagant actually, just went to Charles & Keith in Orchard to buy a purse for his sister then headed to Mustafa for some souvenirs: the usual fridge magnet and key chains :D
for him and me :D
Today is the Go-Live date for their project therefore, one hell of a busy day for him :(  So, I just let him spend the day and night with the team: work during the day and party at night :)

September 11
4 more days and he'll be leaving.. :(( All I wanted is to spend MORE quality time with him and we'll be off to our 2nd movie date tonight. But not after him, spending the whole afternoon at work and dinner with the bosses later. Which, by the way, gave me ample time to buy more stuffs that he can take home with.  After putting down my bag in the room hotel, I went back to Orchard to buy cute little things like shot glasses (for him and his dad) and a compact mirror for his mom.  And the best part of this shopping spree is when I bought him a pair of Ray-Ban shades which he's been looking for since we met last March :D.  Actually, he wasn't looking for that specific brand but just a decent pair of sunglasses that he could use everyday.  But of course, I looked for the best available item around.  Also, I passed by this artful store and bought a simple card for him :) Good thing when I went back to the hotel he wasn't around yet so I had time to write on the card and I could still surprise him with the gifts tomorrow :D

It was already past 11PM when he came back from dinner at Marina Bay Sands.  We just hang out in a while before watching Going the Distance in Douby Ghaut at 12:15AM.

And before we hit the sack, I enthusiastically gave the pasalubongs for his family.  I couldn't describe how surprised and happy he was :) which made me 2x times happier :D

September 12
We started the day at around 1PM :)  Still sleepy from a late movie date yesterday but it was fun :)  It's always fun anyway being with a special someone no matter how late or tiring it could be :)

Before we headed for lunch and shop today, I couldn't help myself but to give him the sunglasses already.  And he couldn't believe his eyes.  He was like a child who just opened a Christmas present from Dear Santa.  I just kept my tears from falling, all I wanted is to see him happy :)

We had lunch at Marche' in Vivo City and guess what.... we hit the Singapore Flyer after!!!!! :D totally, a dream come true for me :D  I've been wanting to experience the ride in this gigantic ferris wheel and to be with a very special person in my life now is such a bonus!  Thank you so much, Alain! mwaaahhh!!!!

a dream come true :)
September 13
It's been a long day for both of us.  I was in the office 'til 8PM and he worked overtime 30 minutes longer.  We met at the hotel lobby and put down our stuffs in the room before we had dinner at Shokudo Raffles Shopping Centre.  We both ordered Sukiyaki and shared a bottle of orange juice and Sake.

enjoying the night together...
It's now time to pack his stuff back to his luggages :(  And this time, I am bursting out in tears while folding his shirts and pants. All of a sudden, he held my hand as we walked through the glass door and for the last time, we watched how the city lights danced in the middle of the night.  There was SILENCE.  And all I could hear was his heartbeat as I lay my head on his chest.   And amidst the stillness of the night, I was praying and hoping that somehow he could listen to what my heart was trying to say. God knows how grateful and thankful I am for meeting and knowing a guy like him.

September 14
The day started as how it ended yesterday.... in T-E-A-R-S.  As soon as my cellphone alarm rang, I knew it would be the last morning that I will wake up with him beside me.  He tried his very best to comfort me but we both know, nothing can stop my tears from falling.  We fixed ourselves up 'coz we still had to report for work and momentarily hide the sadness that surrounds us.

The day flew by so fast.  I almost didn't notice that I was already back in the hotel room, waiting for him to arrive for checkout.  But before we finally left the room, we hang out a bit and had our last movie date in front of the TV.  The sweetest yet the saddest movie date I've ever been.

And before we went to the airport, we had our dinner in Hog's Breath, Chjmes... the place where we also had our first date last March :)
trying to hide the tears....
 Thank you, Alain.... thanks for the wonderful time that we spent together.  Thanks for the laughter, the sweetness, and most of all... for the respect you've shown me.

I'll take extra care of the necklace :)