Saturday, December 31, 2011

To 2012

You’ll be here any moment now. People around the world will greet you with great smiles and new hopes, that includes myself. But with this, comes fear. Fear that this year will not make any difference from the last. I don’t want that. I want something new... something that will positively turn my world around. Can you help me? Can you guide me? Can you give me MORE CHANCES and a little luck? I’m not asking for instant presents. If I need to work hard for it, I am most willing to do so. You know me, I work doubly hard for anything that I want... but sometimes, no matter how hard I try, it seems that my best is not enough. Strength, Wisdom and Guidance.... please? Welcome, 2012! Happy New Year, everyone! :)

To 2011

Though it wasn't the best year that I ever had, still, that won't stop me to give thanks and be grateful for everything you have given me. I may have not gotten what I wanted, what I prayed and hoped for but nonetheless, you gave me chances... as a matter of fact, I just realized that those were the perfect things I really needed. With these, you gave me the opportunity to think and decide for myself and eventually.... I learned a lot from those. Lessons that will guide me as I face new challenges and countless blessings in the coming year. Thank you, 2011!

I Lived, Therefore, I Learned - My 2011

...putting an end to a special  friendship, passing away of  a loved one,  discovering a new friendship just to watch it bid goodbye so soon, realizing your "the one that got away“ and getting out of your way to prove something but eventually finding yourself in the losing end...

That's how my 2011 has been and to quote Claire Morgan's speech in the movie New Year's Eve: 

...the times we opened ourselves up to great adventures or closed ourselves down for fear of getting hurt... 
I tried both... giving same result.

And as I welcome the new year, I'll bring with me all the lessons I learned but will leave the experiences behind hoping for a better and stronger Candy in 2012.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Thoughts

It' Christmas, I know. Time to be merry and joyful. But no matter what you do to make others and yourself happy.... still there's a spot in your heart that feels lonely and empty. Made by the ones who did and did not remember you. Thank you and good mornight, everyone! :) Once again, have a blessed and meaningful Christmas!

Christmas 2011