Thursday, September 26, 2013

Japan 2013

It’s not the typical out-of-town trip that I usually go for.  Actually, it’s not even part of my plans for this year to start with but you know, there are some things or should I say, there are lots of things that we do unplanned.  And this is one of those.

This is going to be my first trip to the Land of the Rising Sun, my first visit to a country where a Visa is required for a Filipino citizen and yey, I got multiple-entry for 3 years!   Anyway, I’ll come here to visit and spend time with a friend, a very special friend.  And if only for that reason, flying all the way here was all worth it... no regrets.

Forget about being held in the Japan Immigration for 20 minutes because my passport was “questionable” and forget about the 4 days of heavy rain which totally ruined my entire itinerary.

What matters most is “you were there at the airport to pick me up, you were there... my ever smart and energetic tour guide, you were there to hold my hand when we’re crossing the slippery streets of Hakata, you were there to be my diligent interpreter when I was lost in translation, and you never left me even if you got bored while I was doing my shopping.”  

Thank you.

And as we kissed and hugged each other goodbye at the airport, I was hoping that it wouldn’t be the last but at the back of my mind I remember what you once said, “if not me some other nice guy who appreciates you will come your way”.