Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Pancake House

My friend, SM, was not in the good mood when he came in the office.  Something happened between him and his teammate the night before that ended up with exchanges of heated text messages.  You're asking what's the connection of this to the photo above?  Oh well, being the nicest friend on earth (that's me! :D), I treated him to Pancake House for a simple yet yummy lunch!  He had Tenderloin Steak (no photo.. :P), and I had Hamburger Steak Special Set. 

Sunday, May 04, 2014

MBL Championship

Richard, one of my katropa in the office invited us to watch their championship game yesterday, April 30.  It's a company-sponsored tournament for employees and my first time to be invited to such.  Tina, Karen and Pags joined me in cheering for Richard's team but unfortunately, they lost the title.  But it was a fun and exciting night to be remembered.

Ramen dinner at Shinjuku

Saturday, May 03, 2014

Post-Birthday Celebration @ Centerstage MOA

April 29, 2014.  It was a night of fun and laughter.  Thanks to my best office buddies for spending 5 hours of videoke fun with me.  It was an awesome night!