Monday, August 07, 2006

Message Sent, Message Received

2 love is 2 xpose urslf 2b hurt,8s a risk dt we mst tk f we wntd 2 fnd real hpines,
4 dr s no prmnence w/o comitment, nd dr s no lastn lov w/o constant sacrifice.

Truth is.... we hide because we want to be found;
we walk away to see who follows;
we cry to see who wipes away the tears
and we let our hearts be broken to see who comes and fixes them.

Girls are special creations of the Lord.
If you praise her,she thinks you're lying;
if you don't,you're good for nothing.
If she talks,she wants you to listen;
if you listen she wants you to talk.
If you kiss her,you're not a gentleman;
if you don't,you're not a man.
If you agree to all her likes,you're a wimp;
if you don't,you're not understanding.
So simple,yet so complex...
So weird yet so sweet.

Guys r weird... vain... mnhid... mnlo2ko
mkulit... boring... arognt at prblma and dala pro...
bat ganun? s kbila n2, bt luv nmin cla?
GIRLS tlaga!


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