Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Is it Worth the Gamble?

I may not be a businessman.... but I'm willing to invest and not afraid to get nothing in return.
I may not be a pilot... but I'm ready to fly and not afraid to fall.
I may not be a doctor... but I am able to mend the pain.
I may not be an accountant... but I know how to count my blessings.
I may not be a teacher... but I can teach you of the things you still don't know.

But, why would I invest my time on something that I know would not last?
- maybe because I believe it is worth investing on
But, why would I fly if I would fall after all?
- maybe because I want to spread my wings
If you would just let me, I will mend your broken heart.
If I had a ledger of blessings, I would put you as my no. 1 asset.
And I don't need a degree in education just to let you know how much I love you.

Let me ask you this.... is it worth the gamble? maybe..... in time.... ;)

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