Thursday, September 27, 2007

Wishes and Dreams

I've noticed that these past few weeks, I've been wanting and wishing a lot of things for the coming days. In time for the Christmas season, I have listed down my wishes, plans and dreams hehehehe....

plan to buy
Canon Digital Ixus 950, desktop computer, Sony Walkman MP3 Player, DVD Component, Flat Screen TV, car (*wink*), lots of DVDs (more to come ;) ) and orig VCDs, DKNY Be Delicious

looking forward to
Kenneth 'Babyface' Edmonds LIVE,
Beyonce in Manila, PBA Games (SMB games to be specific), My Nanay's birthday, Company Christmas Party, CHRISTMAS, Christmas Shopping... anything and everything about Christmas, my first business card, lose more weight, Baguio vacation, Singapore trip, Bohol adventure, Mitch's vacation (and her pasalubongs (*laugh*)), do a part-time social work, practice my cooking skills, enroll in a danz class, enroll in a driving school

would love to have
Beyonce's Greatest Hits album, Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus by John Gray, regular body scrub and facial

wish to have
a business that will give me an extra income of at least 20,000 pesosesoses monthly to get all these mwehehehehe......

In Read - Done! :)

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