Tuesday, January 01, 2008

2007 - Realizations

- we've got so many choices... lots of them... it's up to us to pick the right one...
people change -- their priorities change... you cannot hold any grudges about the past...
- it is easier to say sorry than to ask for permission...
- experience, indeed, is the best teacher!

- if a guy cares for you, he wouldn't let you starve...
- if a guy cares for you, he wouldn't let you go home alone in the middle of the night...
- if a guy loves you, he would hurt you with truths but never with lies...
- some things are better left unsaid...
- never borrow someone else's man, if he cheats with you.... he'll cheat on you...
- if you're wrong, say sorry... if you're right... shut up!
- if a man wants you, nothing can keep him away... if a man doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay...

- pick a job you like and you'll never work a day in your life...
- no matter what happens, be professional!
- don't just let things happen... make them happen!

- always get connected with your friends...
- time heals all wounds...
- true friends really do exist...

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