Tuesday, December 01, 2009

December Madness

Now that the much-awaited month of the year has come, I just couldn't find the exact words to perfectly describe the excitement that I feel. So many reasons to get thrilled and so many plans to fulfill.

And just as planned, I have already finished buying all the presents to be given away this Christmas for my family and friends. Some are already on its way to our home and some are still left here in my room.

With all the preparations and parties, the next 2 weeks will be the most busiest weeks of my life both at work and at home. At work because we need to deploy all the deliverables before the Global Change Freeze which will take effect on the 14th. At home because I need to prepare my stuffs in time for my Christmas vacation.

In two weeks time, I'll be spending the holiday season with my loved ones again. Happy. Excited. Happy. Excited.

Do I need to say more? :)

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