Saturday, February 20, 2010

What Now?

2 cups of rice for dinner, 3 pcs of buffalo wings, 1 fried fish dipped in vinegar with bagoong with a can of ice cold Coke Zero. Seems like there's no tomorrow, huh! This is not my usual dinner or should I say, I am not really taking any dinner at all. But since I'd be on a graveyard shift this Saturday, 1AM-10AM, I need a lot of energy I could get to keep me going.

An hour before my call time, when I was about ready to go, with my make-up on... shutting down my lappy... I got a call from Roselle, my teammate that I don't need to go in the office at 1AM because I got nothing to do anyway. One of the ITOPs is on ML and there's no one to do a four-eye check to.

This is how the Production Weekend goes monthly. As part of the Configuration Team, we need to be at the site doing four-eye checking on Operations. In short, it's a buddy system, ITOPs are doing the actual deployment while us, seating beside them and making sure that all the documented instructions is followed. And now that one of the ITOPs is not around, the schedule suddenly has changed.

So what's the problem? Why am I blogging instead of sleeping at this hour? It's not about the abrupt change of sked because we all got used to it anyway. I'm bothered about...................

all the calories that I took a while ago expecting that they will all get burnt while on GY shift. But now that my call time has changed from 1AM to 8AM, I need to get a sleep.... even if it would mean... I will sleep with all the carbs inside my bulging tummy.... waahhh... :((

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