Friday, May 14, 2010

May 10, 2010

I must admit I was one of those non-believers of the Automated Election System when it was passed into law not so long ago. For me, the nation is still not ready for that huge turnaround and it would only create chaos and massive cheating if would push through. But after last Monday's, National Election, I never thought my words would taste this good that I've eaten them all.

The nation was stunned as the tallying of votes, at least for some of the local posts, was completely done just before the day's end and as of the 2nd day, millions were already officially counted. On the third day, some presidentiables conceded humbly while quite a few was still waiting for the final count.

5 days after this historical event, I personally believe that the 1st National Automated Election was a gigantic SUCCESS. Of course, there were some troubles along the way but generally speaking, it was something that we, Filipinos, can be truly proud of!

And though I felt somewhat frustrated that the one I voted for did not make it to the top.... way way below the top, I can proudly say I VOTED FOR DICK GORDON! who by the way, is the author of this AES. With that, I know my vote never got wasted ;) May he still continue helping the Filipino people the best way he could and may the nation work together for the common good.

1 comment:

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