Sunday, January 23, 2011


here I am... in a familiar place once again... trying my very damn best to emotionally detach myself from someone I have learned to care about... from someone who had given me a million reason to believe that I am still able to find happiness after sorrow....

he might not know it, but I'm hoping he had felt it... we are 7 hours and 6300 miles apart... and yet timezone and distance never stopped me from showing how much he means to me...
(with fingers crossed) I hope he feels the same way, too....

Saturday, January 08, 2011

Diet Plan

AM: Rice Meal.
NN: Pasta or Sandwich or Salad
PM: Fruits or Oatmeal or NOTHING

Sodas/Juices: once-a-week, strictly one glass
Less Carbs.Lesser Sweets.No Fats.
10-15 glasses of H2O everyday
7 hours of sleep
morning workouts

tons of prayers, 100% confidence :D

First Quarter Goal

Holidays are over, summer is nearer;
time to trim the belly and wear that bikini :D 

courtesy of Billabong

2011 Line-Up

I love planning... yes I do.  I feel so incomplete if I missed to plot down my activities for the following day moreso, for the whole year.  Of course, everyday planning is much much different from doing it annually but at least, I would be getting some ideas where and how to start.

January - February:
  • need to look for a new flat and this time, I'll be moving in with my friend Mitch and her another friend;
  • time to say goodbye to my 2.5 year old "SG home" and embrace a major change for this year; new place, new housemates and hopefully a better lifestyle;
  • will be in Manila from 10-15 to attend my friend's wedding on the 12th;
April :
  •  my birthday month but I'm not planning any big celebration unlike last year.  probably a lunch or dinner with some close friends.... and I will spend it here in SG;
  • N/A
  • will be in Manila/Boracay (1st-2nd week) to attend a friend's wedding (oh no! not again!!!)
July - Septmber:
  • TBA
  • parents to visit me here in SG and celebrate nanay's bday;
November - December:
  • no more annual leaves by this time so, I'll be spending Christmas holidays in SG;

Saturday, January 01, 2011