Friday, July 08, 2011

Three of a Kind

Have you ever wondered why people come into your life, turning it 360 degrees but they are not there to stay?  Why with just one smile, your life is not just yours anymore?  And no matter how hard you try to build all the defenses, you still get hurt?

Tough, huh?  That's how life is, TOUGH.

Imagine this, all your life, you only believed in Black and White, not in Greys... just in Yes and No... not in Maybes.  And all of a sudden, a person walks into your life and showed you a rainbow, you got thrilled and overwhelmed by its enchanting colors.  But he forgot to tell you that rainbow comes only after the rain.  And just when you started to build your dreams in reaching for this colorful arc, you found out that you're doing it all by yourself.  

He smiled at you, you smiled back.  You said to yourself: "Nahh... it's just a simple smile to a new acquaintance."  This acquaintance turns into a friend... into a special friend... into a very special friend.  "I'm willing to take a risk.  I'll give this a try.", you said.

Distance and time never stopped you in hoping that one day, you will be more than just friends.  Not a day has passed that you didn't think of him.  You patiently waited.... for uncertainties.  At last, the long wait is over.  'Coz he finally....... finally found his girl.  And it's not you.

In order to keep ourselves away from any harm we build defenses, but most of the time, they strike back to us which leave a deeper wound.  We avoid those things that certainly will hurt us, but in the process, we hurt other people too.

Life really has its own ways to test us.  All we need is to be strong without being insensitive, be courageous but not arrogant and most of all, never lose faith.... faith in yourself and faith in Him.  People come into our lives, teach us the most important lessons and eventually leave, not because we're not worthy of them, but because their part is over.


Jhie said...

ok ka lang, mare? *hugs*

candylicious said...

as usual... medyo hindi hehehe... pero lilipas din to... thanks mare! I badly need that... *tight hugs*

CuteQueer said...

right on time... great read...

candylicious said...

^thank you :)