Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Boracay 2011

After 3 months of preparation, everything is settled and all I could do is to pray for a smooth trip and a perfect weather.  This is going to be a mix of a well-deserved vacation and witnessing the union of 2 wonderful people in holy matrimony.

Day 1:
3-hr flight from Singapore to Manila, waited in the airport for 5 hours to take another short trip from Manila to Kalibo.  And from Kalibo, a speedy 1-hr land travel to Caticlan and finally getting to our destination a little past lunchtime.  Whew! It's been long and tiring journey but it was all worth it upon assuring myself: "Yes, I am in paradise!"

We had a quick lunch at Gerry's Grill and afterwhich, we indulged ourselves in the clear waters of B-O-R-A-C-A-Y! :)

and it's time for a Sunset Photo Shoot! :)

I ♥ sunset :)
magnificent sky!
(take note, these are raw photos! great, huh? :D)
After getting a seafood dinner, the gang just stayed in the resort and played an August Quijano's newly-invented card game till 12 midnight and even hit the beach after!  But it was just them 'coz I couldn't stand the fatigue anymore being awake for more than 36 hours!!!!

Day 2:
All I needed was a decent sleep before I can say, I'm fully charged!!! :D  Time to do what we ought to do, people!!!! ;) 1st in the list: REEF WALKING.

Actually, I never planned to do this water activity because of one lame reason: I am afraid of water pressure.  I don't know how to swim and I could hardly breathe in deep water.  But I had to face my fear, aside from the fact that I did not want to be called a kj.  So I listened carefully to the instructor while he was teaching us the 4 major signs we had to remember while underneath the water: OK, up, down and 'problem' signs.  Whew!
waiting for our turn

  and I never regret the moment I faced my fear :)
feeding the fish
playing with them
abyss! :)
We just couldn't get enough of the cool blue water and the scorching sun!

In the afternoon comes the BBQ Party.....
the gang
with Lala, the bride :)
ready to "swim" (again!) :D
thirst-quenching frozen margarita! :D
and as soon as the clock strikes at 12... time for the real partehhh!!!!
@Epic Boracay
first round
smile :)
with Patrick
Yo! Peace! :D
2nd round: Mojito
 2 rounds for me and 3 rounds for my friends are enough to spend the rest of the night.... DANCING! :P
Day 3:
The Wedding Day.  Ceremony is set at 4.30pm but before we witness the union of two souls, for one last time, we wanted to make the most out of the perfect weather that God has given us and get that much-awaited TAN!!!! :)
trying to expose my back for an even skintone hehehe :D

is it time to go? oh no!!! :(

 I need to go back... I'm not yet done! :P

thanks for taking the pics, augs! here's one for you ;)
if you have it, why not flaunt it? aight? :D
And now is the time to present the very reason why we are all here: Simon and Laarni's Wedding!  I will need a new entry for this :)  So, please standby ;)

*Special thanks to Chel, Kaye and Wil for the additional photos and to http://www.picnik.com for making the pics more fun :)

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