Saturday, July 04, 2009

On-Court Dramas

I'm supposed to take a rest at this time.... lay on my bed and play Jurassica on my iTouch 'til I get to sleep. I had to get off from work early this afternoon 'coz I wasn't really feeling so well. But upon learning of the news that Danny Ildefonso and Marc Pingris were slapped with a 1-game suspension by the PBA Commissioner, I couldn't help but to express my sentiments on what occurred at last night's Game 2 of the PBA Finals and at 11:15 pm, am still awake and doing what I feel like doing.

First, Ronald Tubid's elbowing Olsen Racela on the face. Yes, basketball is a physical game but, being physical is different from being dirty. Actually, it's not the elbow incident that I want to point out, it's the attitude that Tubid shown during the feud between him and Racela. It only showed why this Ginebra player is deserving of the Best Actor award. After he was called for a charging foul and Racela couldn't keep his cool, Tubid tried to get the crowd's sympathy by being "apologetic" of what he has done. But being a 16-year PBA veteran, Olsen just did not buy that. Getting a nasty bruise on his face and getting a not-so-sincere apologies from Tubid, he definitely knew how to react in a professional way. Hitting that baseline jumper is the best way to put a period on what had happened. And if Tubid was really sincere in saying sorry, why was he still trashtalking at the sideline?

Second, Ildefonso's and Pingris' suspension in tomorrow's Game 3. The game was over then, when Danny I hurriedly ran to the opposite goal and almost hit this BGK fan. Pingris followed. Everybody was in shocked and wondering what initiated these players to go after this man. Different stories have been told, but in the end, missing these 2 key players on the next game will create a big impact on the team's bid to the trophy. Pingris was just named the Best Player on last night's game and Danny has been playing above expectation.

After digging into some forums and news articles, curiously looking for anwers to my question on why Danny furiously attacked this BGK fan, only 1 reason came out: this die-hard BGK fan provoked Danny by cursing her daughter to death. Danny's daughter, Sophia, has cancer and is undergoing medical treatment.

Some says, Danny's reaction to go after the man was a no-no. No matter what the reason was, he should have not done that. He is a professional and veteran player and he must know how to handle such case. But, hey! Isn't he also a father, who despite his daughter's condition, was able to perform his duty as a professional player? Yeah sure... everyone gets boo-ed at one point or another... but this is different, he wasn't just boo-ed, his daughter was cursed by this man who happened to be a fan of a losing team, who couldn't accept his team's defeat and couldn't think of anything to distract the player except by going too personal. To think that this is just the 2nd game and his team is not behind neither... it's tied!

Are we expecting more dramas?

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