Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A Roller Coaster Day

My day started so good with a chit chat from a friend living on the other side of the world. It was short yet lighthearted, the kind of conversation I always wish I could have everyday. Until a frustrating news hit my desk in the office and my mind just went blank the whole morning at work. Good thing though, tears, friends and chocolates were invented that I was able to burst out my disappointments with their help. I seldom complain, no, it's not my cup of tea. I seldom, or should I say, I never invite negativity in my system. As much as possible, I want to smile, I want to make people laugh, I want to joke around, I want nothing but a happy life. But a lot of things had happened in the past weeks that frustration has already taken its toll on me.

The day was so frustrating that I even ate a whole bar of Snickers in just 2 minutes. Which, by the way, I have promised not to do until the end of next month: to eat any forms of sweets :D but I just did!

Next, a plate of chinese noodles for dinner. NO! NO! NO! NO carbs during dinner!!!! but yes, I just had! whew!

Good thing though, the day wasn't bad after all. My fave basketball team just won in their series, 3-1. Just one more win and they will move to the finals.

But kidding aside, I know this, too shall pass. I'm still sad, confused and disappointed.... yes, I am! But I know for sure, there are more wonderful things out there that are worth smiling for. Maybe it's not yet the perfect time to get the things I wanted and definitely, God has better plans for me and for the people I most care about.


“My recipe for dealing with anger and frustration: set the kitchen timer for twenty minutes, cry, rant, and rave, and at the sound of the bell, simmer down and go about business as usual”
- Phyllis Diller

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