Sunday, August 22, 2010

Eat, Pray, Love

I'm done reading He's Just Not That Into You a week ago. Together with Just Like the Flowing River, the compilation of my fave quotes from these 2 magnificent books is still on its way. Hope I can post real soon. Meanwhile, here's the next in line:

Hope I can finish reading this before the movie version hits the cinemas ;)

Monday, August 16, 2010

To Stand for Something

"as long as I have voiced out what I stand for,
I'm more than fine with it;
the ball is not in my hands,
the hell I care! damn it!" =))

I may sound furiously mad while you are reading this, but I'm not! :) This is just how I burst out my disappointments. I may be pissed off, but not crushed; annoyed but not angry. Life is too short to get mad at someone or something. There are other more important and desirable things to spend my time for. What matters for me now is I never kept quiet when I knew I needed to be heard. I'm not your typical gal who would say 'Yes' when it is a 'No'; who would say 'I can' when in fact 'I cannot'; who would say 'Yes, it's fine by me' when the truth of the matter is, 'Bullshit, it sucks bigtime!' =))

They heard me right, but I know in my heart, they never listened. And just like what my banner proudly shouts:

" stand for something, to have made some difference that I lived at all."

Sunday, August 15, 2010

He's Just Not That Into You

  1. he's not asking you out. because if he likes you, he will ask you out;
  2. he's not calling you. because men know how to use the phone;
  3. he's not dating you. "hanging out" is not dating;
agree or disagree?
  • guys don't mind messing up a friendship if it could lead to sex, whether it be a "fuck buddy" situation or a meaningful romance;
  • if a guy truly likes you, but for personal reasons he needs to take things slow, he will let you know that immediately. He won't keep you guessing, because he'll want to make sure you don't get frustrated and go away;
  • men are never too busy to get what they want;
  • no matter how powerful and real your feelings may be for someone, if that person cannot fully and honestly return them and therefore actively love you back, these feelings mean nothing;

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Buy or Not to Buy?

It was March of last year when I bought Posh, hoping that somehow I would eventually learn to use Manual Settings. Most of my friends advised me to buy DSLR instead since it has more features than Canon G10 but, I had no plans to really devote my time on photography. All I wanted to do was to learn the basics and at the same time, own a gadget that is handy and compact. G10 was the perfect answer to my month-long contemplation.

And up to this point, I never regret owning such a wonderful digicam :) She's been to Manila, Boracay, Malaysia and Indonesia... countless gimik nights with friends or just simply shooting the street overlooking from my room.

But, just last week, I've realized that I've never really utilized the use of Posh since I had her. Up until now, all I know about camera is how to turn it on and off, how to switch modes from Beach scene to Indoor to Sunset to Foliage. And there were several occasions when I had to leave her at home because she couldn't fit into my purse :(

There are 3 options that keep playing on my mind though:

1. sell my Canon G10 and buy a new Canon S90; or
2. keep my Canon G10 and buy a cheaper yet fits-into-my-requirements-camera, Canon A495; or
3. stick with my G10 and save money!

If I only had enough budget, I would definitely buy S90, no questions asked! :) But, since I don't have much, I'd rather be practical.... somehow :D

I found quite a number of good reviews about A495 and here are some points that make me want it even more:

* compact and handy

* less than 200sgd

* with good low light feature

* with sufficient selection of auto modes

Isn't it cute? *sigh*


