Monday, August 16, 2010

To Stand for Something

"as long as I have voiced out what I stand for,
I'm more than fine with it;
the ball is not in my hands,
the hell I care! damn it!" =))

I may sound furiously mad while you are reading this, but I'm not! :) This is just how I burst out my disappointments. I may be pissed off, but not crushed; annoyed but not angry. Life is too short to get mad at someone or something. There are other more important and desirable things to spend my time for. What matters for me now is I never kept quiet when I knew I needed to be heard. I'm not your typical gal who would say 'Yes' when it is a 'No'; who would say 'I can' when in fact 'I cannot'; who would say 'Yes, it's fine by me' when the truth of the matter is, 'Bullshit, it sucks bigtime!' =))

They heard me right, but I know in my heart, they never listened. And just like what my banner proudly shouts:

" stand for something, to have made some difference that I lived at all."

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