Monday, August 20, 2012

A Thank You Letter

With this simple blog entry, I want to thank Singapore's Archbishop Nicholas Chia for his heartwarming message to the congregation yesterday in the 11AM Mass at St. Bernadette Church.  He asked for everyone's help to extend their talents and gifts to the victims of the recent Southwest Monsoon that caused massive destruction and flood in Manila and nearby provinces. He did not only call for it once, but twice.... first, in the Homily and second, just before the service ended.

It was an overwhelming feeling as a Filipino Christian that such gesture was initiated by the highest official of the Singapore's  Catholic Community. I felt his sincerity to help by informing the people of this unfortunate event that struck my beloved country and asked them to share their blessings with the victims. He didn't have much words to say, actually. Simple words, simple message.

Once again, thank you for the loving gesture and for including the Philippines in your prayers.

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