Saturday, August 25, 2012

Coin Banks

One of the basic things in life that my parents taught me is to work hard and save more if I want to buy something that is beyond my capacity. And I have proven that a gazillion times already.  From small things such as stationeries when I was a kid up to gadgets and appliances that I have bought myself thru hardwork and countless overtime work.

But of course there is still a lot in my list and since life is getting tougher everyday, financially speaking,  I have to find ways to get what I want without giving up what is essential.

Been trying to look for a source of extra income for the past months but, couldn't find any. So, I decided to try the old school way of saving instead. And here it is:

10's, 2's, 1's, .50's
Yeah, I know it will take forever to get these full but hey, there's no other best time to start but now! :)  And so far, I'm doing good! :) Just wait for me, PRADA :)


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