Friday, January 31, 2014

Home Broadband

And because Globe had just implemented the Fair User Policy, I can no longer conveniently use my phone as a hotspot whenever I use my laptop in downloading movies, videos and mp3s.  

This made me decide to subscribe to a home broadband.   As of the moment, the only option that I have in mind is Bayantel DSL since we already have an existing Bayantel landline phone.   I'm just waiting for the agent to give me a return call after I inquired yesterday.  Hopefully the plan and package is good enough for our use.

Meanwhile, here's the link to Globe's Fair Usage Policy.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Dumplings: Failed!

There's always a next time :(

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Happy Birthday, Billy!

A simple greeting that sincerely comes from my heart.

Photo Credit:

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Avanza or Spin

If I were to buy a car now, I would be torn between these two:

Sunday, January 19, 2014

4-minute Exercise

I am really serious in getting fit this first quarter of the year.  The challenging part goes to finding the right and effective ways that I could use not just for a few weeks but for a longer term. Sure, I could stop drinking sodas, eating sweet and fatty food but I'm pretty sure it won't last long.  And yes, I could wake up at 3am on weekdays to have an hour of exercise but again, I can't do it even for 2 weeks straight.

Just imagine how grateful and thankful I am for finding this video which is totally heaven-sent!!!! All I need is just 4 minutes of my time and voila!  I could burn as much as 600 calories. Of course, I'm aware that it won't be in an instant and it all depends on the intensity and proper execution but still, I find this as the perfect workout routine for people like me who is looking for a short but effective early morning workout.

And together with this daily routine, I'm trying to cut down my calorie intake with the help of MyFitnessPal.

No food deprivation, no rigorous daily workout, juts plain discipline and proper technique.

Check the video here.

Monday, January 13, 2014


Yes, I'm back to an old routine because I need to!  Thanks to MyFitnessPal in helping me track my activities and progress.  Aja!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Homemade Hawaiian Pizza

As promised to myself, here's my first dish this month.  And since I have extra slices of bread, I made a healthier version of Hawaiian Pizza using whole wheat bread.


I have never been this eager in buying a car.  I only realized the need latter half of last year, just after I came back from Singapore.  Since the family is doing a regular grocery shopping (twice a month), and I have parents who are both in their 60's, I guess driving my own car is a practical choice.  Plus, it would be great to have one for out-of-town trips. But after checking my savings and budget, I can only afford it once I'm done with my house's monthly amortization which will end last quarter of 2015.

What to do? :(


6 Months

Today marks my 6th month in my new job.  My manager informed me yesterday that I passed the probationary period and I guess it's a valid reason for a small celebration :). 

Photo Credit:

Tuesday, January 07, 2014

2014 Plans (First Half)

Since these 2 might need more time of planning and saving, I've decided to give this a 6-month timeline.  Aja! :)

Ilocandia Tour

Home Theatre System

Sunday, January 05, 2014

Save... Save... Save...


There is this 52-Week Money Challenge that is circulating in facebook which encourages the readers to save money for whatever goal they want.  Please read more of this from Kuripot Pinay blog.  Me and Nanay will start saving this way tomorrow ;)

2014 Plans (First Quarter)

Instead of making a set of century-old New Year's Resolution, I am creating this entry to remind me of my plans for this year but, let me take it quarter at a time.  So, starting today until end of March, I will try my very damn best to accomplish the following:

1.  Be an active blogger again.
      - make at least 2 entries a week

2.  Cook at least 2 new dishes a month.
      - that's 6 dishes in total by the end of March

3.   Lose at least 2 lbs.
      - yeah I know, shedding off some pounds is everybody's goal but 2 lbs in 3 months is not really that much so I'm setting this goal without giving myself tons of pressure... will try to achieve in the most easiest way I know ;)

4.  Catch up with friends
      - I just initiated quarterly meet-up with friends (Tabel, Nikki, Don & Bryce) which I hope will bring back the good old times

Saturday, January 04, 2014

Happy Birthday, Josh!

May you stay sweet, smart and witty.  We love you so much and Tita wishes you good health and a healthy mind.  Enjoy being a kid! ;)

turning 6

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

New Year 2014

Photo Credit: