Saturday, March 22, 2014

Corregidor Island

History is one of my favorite subjects since high school.  I can still remember, I got a perfect score in one of our periodical exams in Philippine History when I was a high school freshman.  My interest in this subject started when I was still a kid, being exposed to current events made me asked gazillion of questions to my father about how things turned out the way they are.  And one cannot talk about Philippine history without mentioning World War II in which, my dear country had a great part in, or is it the other way around? Anyhoo, just this morning, my parents, friends and I had a historic tour of Corregidor Island, an island located at the entrance of Manila Bay in southwestern part of Luzon and played a great and significant part in Philippine History.

To know more about its history, please visit Corregidor Island website.

The tour is a "must" for all Filipinos, specially the students who are slowly losing interest in their roots and citizens who have lost in touch of history.

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