Monday, March 10, 2014

No Make-Up

Pimples have always been my problem since I was a teenager.  Tried different ways how to get rid of it but they keep coming back.  From oral meds, facial cleansers, proper diet... they would just disappear for a short period and will surely return soon.  Last year, I started drinking distilled instead of tap water and surprisingly, it kinda helped... a little.

2 weeks ago, my aesthetician advised me to use cosmetics that do not clog pores or non-comedogenic because she noticed that I had quite plenty of clogged pores.  This came on the same week that I developed an eye infection which according to my ophthalmologist, one of the causes was particles from make-up.

So, I made one of the toughest decisions in my life:  NO MAKE-UPs, NO COSMETICS from now on.  Just moisturizers and sunblock.


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