Friday, December 29, 2006

Christmas 2006

Started the Christmas weekend with lots of gift-giving at the office. Thanks to all who find time to share their blessings with me. Your presents are very much appreciated.

Unfortunately though, gifts from Sherwin and Tabel were not included in the picture. The first and last gifts I received from officemates were from them. As soon as I got Sherwin’s gift (3 days before this picture was taken), which was by the way a very delicious chocolate cake, I ate it right away.. yummy. Meanwhile, we received a red wine from Tabel. Got it before leaving the office last Friday.

Saturday, 2 days before Christmas, my mother and I were very busy wrapping the gifts for my pamangkins and cousins. Thank God, we never ran out of wrappers and gift tags. It’s always a nice feeling to prepare something for your loved ones on this time of year. No matter how small or big the presents are, for me, it’s the time and effort that you spent to prepare these little stuffs that counts the most.

Sunday, we went to Tondo to spend Noche Buena with our relatives. After the prayer, we had our usual “kainan” with palabok, hotdog, ham, bread, fruit salad and softdrinks. Of course, exchange gift was the highlight of the celebration.

We got home at around 1 am. We also had our own version of exchange-gift. My nanay got an Andy Williams cd and a duster which she wears now. While my tatay received a fossil sunglass, undershirt and a pair of socks. And what have I got? A lot!!! Yes, a lot!!! Wallet, desk calendar, bracelet, cosmetic kit, set of beauty products, wine, chocolates, calendar, picture frame and chips. Thanks to my family and friends!!!

But why is that, despite of all the gifts that I had received, I still feel empty. Did I not get the present that I truly wanted? Nahhh. I must admit, of all the Christmasses that I had experienced, this is the saddest Christmas I’ve ever had. Yes, it was.. and it still is.

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