Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Telocine - 2006 Teloworks Christmas Party

We had our Christmas Pary last Monday, 11th of December 2006. Yes, It was a Monday!!! Wondering why we held it on the first working day of the week? It's because our big boss John Wood arrived only last Saturday and the Teloworks family wouldn' want him to miss this very special event of the year. Plus the fact that he gives away fabulous prizes on this special occasion.

It was a very busy day, indeed!!! First, we had the elimination round of Charades where Grease (my team :D), Pirates of the Caribbean and Flintstones won. After which, Pau and I went to Landmark to buy the materials needed for the games later this evening.

Charades, Bagets vs Flintstones

Went back to the office few minutes before 6 and had enough time to practice with my team before the party starts. The registration started at around 7pm and I got a 200-peso worth of GC from Starbucks :D. Since I belong to the Grease Team, my outfit is just a simple white blouse, khaki skirt (just like Olivia Newton-John's) and a pair of blue sneakers.


Maidette, Candy and Joy

Me and Don-key

Started the party a bit late. The first activity was the final round of the Charades. The Pirates team got the first place while the Flintstones and Grease teams had a tie breaker. We got the 2nd place ;). Since everybody was already starving, dinner was served right away.

Charades, Finals

Rey, Me, Pau, Don

with Joy, Belle and Olive

All the presentations were great ('di halatang 2 days lang nagpractice.. hehehehe....). In between the presentations were the raffle, kris kringle and speeches. I got my 3rd wish in the kris kringle.. thanks to Daddy Sherwin for giving me 2 boleros... hehehehe... like ko sila promise..;) Will post the pics later, suot ko ngayon ung isa e... bwehehehe... This year, I wasn't lucky enough to get any of John Wood's prizes unlike last year when I won a nano ipod. But, I did not go home empty-handed. My name was picked to have the 2nd major prize which is a Microwave Oven. Hmmmm... actually I was hoping to have the DVD player but it was given to Pau. Hmmmm.... kinapalan ko na mukha ko... I asked Pau if they already have a microwave oven at home and he said none. Hehehe... I asked if we could just swap our prizes and he agreed! Thanks, Pau!!!

Candy, Pattie, Jimmy and Annaliza
The ladies of Grease

Mark, Vee, Glicer, Joe, Noel
Our male counterpart

Before the party ended, of course the winner was announced. And my team was declared as the over-all winner... yahhoooo!!!! We received 2000 pesos in cash.. not bad, huh! ;)

The winning team - Grease
Joe, Jack, Noel, Jimmy, Candy, Mark and Vee

Then, the real party started!!!! Check these out, guys!

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