Monday, January 01, 2007

Year 2006

I was supposed to post this entry a week before the new year. But due to the earthquake that hit Taiwan, telecommunication facilities, including internet services, were damaged. I had a hard time posting my entries including my holiday entries. So here it goes.....

Less than a week before we bid goodbye to the year 2006, can’t help but think of the things that happened to me for the past year. The year of challenges, disappointments, experiments, confusion, decisions, good times, bad times, acceptance and rejection.

My parents celebrated their 33rd wedding anniversary in March. We’ve decided to spend their anniversary in Baguio. We spent 3 days and 2 nights in the Summer Capital of the Philippines from March 3-5. Their anniv is on the 4th.

In July, my family and I got the chance to experience IMAX at SM Mall of Asia. We watched Superman Returns and it was quite an experience.

We spent my nanay’s 58th birthday at Dampa in Macapagal Boulevard. We had several seafood dishes and got some desserts at the Iceberg’s in SM Mall of Asia.

Started the year with news that I would be moved to another project. I was hesitant at first because I believed I was just starting to enjoy my new role in my current project. But fate had other plans for me, a major plan that really turned my life around. It was the first-ever decision I had made in my life that was full of hesitations. And I wasn’t surprised when it did not work the way it was supposed to. Three months of hell was not a joke. And how hell was it? Well, it came to a point that I almost gave up. I almost resigned. Yes, I have already submitted my resignation letter and to think that I had nowhere to go just in case that they had accepted it. That’s how work was hell to me. Good thing though, there were these people who helped me all throughout. I had no complaints with my co-workers, in fact, there were very supportive of me. It’s just that the situation came with the wrong person and at the wrong time.

Mid this year, I was moved back to where I left off. It wasn’t easy for me. I had to bring my confidence back, I had to prove that I could still do my work efficiently. My failure in the previous project should not reflect my ability and my credibility. And little by little, I am gaining my confidence back.

2006 was not a good year in terms of finances. The organization experienced dollar depreciation early this year which greatly affects our salary. The management and the staff had several discussions on how to cope with this but unfortunately, both parties did not come up with one concrete solution. Later this year, we had a consensus if we’re going to stay with the dollar or switch back to peso. The dollar won, and I guess that says it all.

On this year, we had our first overnight company outing. We had it in Puerto Galera. It was my 3rd time there but it still looked good to me. I was part of the outing committee and generally, we had a successful and meaningful team building and outing.

Due to some changes that the organization wanted to implement, the management decided to change the name of the company from Enterworks Philippines, Inc. to Teloworks Philippines, Inc.

Social Life
Oh well, such a memorable year for me. Been into so many gimiks, night outs, out-of-towns. January of this year, I had my first overnight out-of-town with Nikki, Jun, Tabel, Don, Beng and Mike in Lago de Oro, Batangas. I was just starting to enjoy my social life when I got involved in a very demanding project. No gimiks for 3 months!!!! $@#$@!$%^@$. But when I came back to my “normal life”, gimiks started to pour in.

It was in May when I had my first Friday gimik after a loooooooooongggg while. Got to join with new gimik buddies like Don and Mike. Still with the old ones, Nikki and Ning. Had my first taste of Cena and their very unique Frozen Gin Pomelo. This was just the start of a new weekly habit….gimik @ Cena on Fridays!

Cena, oh, Cena!!!! Such a memorable place. Anyways, in addition to Cena we also had a taste of Ice Vodka Bar, Absinth and Platinum KTV in Jupiter St. Sometimes, we stayed late in the office just to sing. Thanks to Don for his magic sing! Lav Yah!!!

In November, I had my first visit to Boracay with Tabel, Doths, Apaul, Nikki, Oyo, Augs and Pau. We stayed there for 4 days and 3 nights kaya lang bitin… hehehehe…

My college friends, the group we call Gosys, decided to have a reunion. We had it at Chili’s in Greenbelt. Marione, Det, LeeAnn, Raylan, Mitch and I completed the event.

Before the holidays, I tried to play billiards with Sherwin, Rey, Olive, Belle and Pau. I guess I have to stick with playing table tennis hahahahaha!!!!

1. Celebrated my 26th birthday with my family, dinner at Barrio Fiesta. 26 years of existence and still finding my purpose on this planet.

2. I started to lose some pounds in June, from 119, my weight dropped to 110!!! Hehehehe…

3. Planned to audition for PBB season 2 with Nikki but I backed out at the last minute.

4. Watched several live PBA games including the controversial semifinal game of SMB and Red Bull where the latter walked out from the playing court.

5. Changed my network provider from Smart to Globe and of course, I switched from Nokia to Sony Ericsson.

6. Had soul-searching, looked for my purpose, planned for my future.

Love Life
Still searching for the proper words to fill in this space. Want to help? :)

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