Thursday, December 05, 2013

First Weekend in Sydney

4 months into my new job, I got a chance to spend a month of work and training in one of the well-known cities of Australia.... SYDNEY! :)  And since this wonderful opportunity has come my way, I promised myself to make the most out of my stay in the Land Down Under.  Though I would be staying here for work and training, of course I will never let this golden opportunity to pass without exploring its wonders.  So, let me share with you my adventures and misadventures while touring around Sydney!

1st weekend:
It wasn't a nice way to start off my journey:  horrible traffic from home to the airport, delayed flight and a kid who had uncontrollable behavior during the flight.  Good thing though, I was totally tired and sleepy and didn't have a hard time falling asleep the entire trip.  But before that, I met a lady doctor at the boarding gate of NAIA Terminal 1 while waiting for our plane.  We talked about the typical topics: why are you going to Sydney, where do you work, are you travelling alone, etc.  And her story has really caught my attention and I guess, it is worth sharing.

She had a boyfriend when she was in high school and they were together until early college.  They were both in the field of Medicine and the guy decided to go to New York and stayed there for good.  She stayed here.  They never had communication since then.  She got married, he got married... they both had their own families.  After more than 20 years, they found themselves separeted/divorced from their respective spouses and got in touch again this year, thanks to social media.

She's going to Sydney to meet her ex-boyfriend, now her fiance.  Yes, they are back together and this time, they're making sure it will be forever.  I got the chance to meet the guy when we landed at the airport in Sydney and eventhough I only met them in less than 24 hours, I genuinely feel happy for them.  Specially when she told me: "There will  come  a time in your life when money and title would mean nothing.  All that you would long for is someone you will grow old with."

And being a hopeless romantic that I naturally am, I, with no doubt totally agree with her.


I arrived in Sydney at 8am.  Thank God, the immigration check was smooth (unlike what happened to me in Japan) and my chocolates and dried mangoes passed the security check.  Right at the airport, I bought a sim card and loaded it with enough amount for my 1 month stay with unlimited call and text within Australia and a max of 500mb/day data plan, not bad.  And the best (or worst) surprise of all, Sydney welcomed me with a chilly and windy weather!!!!  Never did I expect since my colleagues told me that it was summer!  Oh yeah, it was sunny and bright... but the wind... brrrrrr!!!! :(

My apartment is located along the busy street of Pitt near downtown.  About 20-minute walk to the office building and a few steps away from almost anything in the city.  I had my first lunch at Subway in Townhall foodcourt and headed my way to check the office's location.

Thanks to Google map, getting lost has never been this fun! :)

Since there's still plenty of time to kill, I visited the iconic Sydney landmarks.  What used to be just a fridge magnet and a key chain, is now right in front of me... The Sydney Opera House and The Harbour Bridge. 

Sydney Opera House

Harbour Bridge
After taking a few photos, I headed back to my apartment and rested.  Looking forward to my first week at work and started planning my weekend trips :)

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