Friday, February 28, 2014


If my memory serves me right, Cronuts got its hype last year.   It's a combination of CRoissant and a doughNUT.  I'm not really sure who started it all, what I know is people went gaga over it for sometime and of course, I got curious as well but I didn't have the patience to queue up for so long just to get a piece of it.  So, after almost a year, I had a taste of it before my facial session.  I had Wildberry Kreme and Chocolate Cronut for snacks.

My verdict?  The cronuts tasted ordinary, nothing special if I may say but the Wildberry Kreme was superb! ;)

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Pan-Grilled Mixed Veggies

Button Mushrooms, Carrots and Bell Pepper

Fruit Cocktail with Almond Jelly

DM Fruit Cocktail & Homemade Almond Jelly

Friday, February 21, 2014

Army Navy Burger + Burrito

Starting today, I'll post an entry about my first time experiences with any type and kind of food whether from a restaurant, kiosk, palengke and what-have-you :).  Just a disclaimer, I'm not an expert in food-tasting, I probably have the worst taste buds in the world.  For me, there are only 2 kinds of taste: bad and good :)  So, at the end of this entry, I'll just rate the food based on 2 things:  Experience and Food Quality.  Let me start with Army Navy Burger + Burrito in Glorietta.

Apologies if I don't have a single picture of what I ate.  I was too hungry to take one. :D  Anyway, I had their Classic burger which has a single quarter-pound patty with onions, tomatoes and lettuce.  Together with the burger is a regular-sized in-house freshly-brewed iced tea.  My verdict: 1-worst; 5-best

Food Quality:  3.5
Experience: 4

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Travel!!!! NOT! :(

February is almost over but I haven't been to any place outside of the Metro :(  Me and my ex-colleagues had a plan to go to a resort somewhere south of Luzon but because of a family emergency 3 days before our planned date, my colleague informed us if we could set it some other time.  Of course, family comes first and I just hope we can plan again soon :)

And last week, my friends in Singapore asked me if I could visit them this coming weekend, have a foodtrip before Mitch gives birth :).  It was actually a good idea if only there was a cheap flight available.  One thing in my bucket list is to travel to SG (or any Southeast Asian country) just for a day.  No hotel overnight stay and with only a backpack with me.  My new passport has arrived and I have already made my itinerary:  touchdown in SG at around 10AM (Sat), foodtrip with friends from lunch 'til dinner, a bit of shopping late in the evening, airport check-in a couple of hours before the flight and be home again at around 7AM the following day.  Unfortunately, the cheapest flight I could find costs Php10K, wasn't cheap at all :D

Oh well, I'm still hopeful that one of these (if not both) will soon be a reality! ;)

Sunday, February 16, 2014


So, in just a matter of 3 days, Bayantel DSL is now installed in our home.  With up to 2mbps of speed, 15G data storage in a month and a telephone landline for Php 1,299.00, I can now download movies, music and tv shows as much as I want :)

In addition to this, I bought a TP-Link MR-3220 Router so the signal can reach my room. Hhmmm... it wasn't a good choice because the signal is not that strong in my room but it's manageable anyway.  I'll just buy with higher specs next time.


Sunday, February 09, 2014

Sale Items

I don't usually sell my personal items.  Actually, I can't remember selling even a single thing. But after seriously contemplating on this matter, I've decided to let go of these...

Original Crocs Kadee Wedge W6 in Black, Php1,800.00
Globe Tattoo 4G Superstick with Prepaid SIM and Cable, Php1,500.00
The pair of shoes is only 7 months old and worn only once.  I bought this in Crocs Singapore and the reason why I'm selling it because it doesn't fit me :D  It's 1 size smaller and I thought, instead of keeping it in the shelf, I might as well sell it.

The next item is my 1-yr old Tattoo pocket wifi.  Since we already have a home broadband, I don't see the need of it anymore.  It would be better if someone would own it and be useful than forever be inside its box. 

Between these 2, I am more sentimental in letting go the tattoo ;(.  It really served its purpose for the past year and I'm thankful that such gadget was invented.  But as much as I wanted to keep it, I believe there's someone out there who needs it more now.  Hopefully, the new owner will take care of it as much as we did.


From La-lah-land to the land of milk and honey to our very own native land....
It's so nice to see you all again... with the addition of a cute little boy who just turned 1.
Happy Birthday, Rai!