Monday, January 15, 2007

Lessons Learned

Lessons that the year 2006 had taught me:

January - Do not say "yes" if it is a NO.

February - Fight for what you believe in.

March - Learn to forgive.

April - Celebrate life.

May - Don't be hasty.

June - Be sensitive.

July - Be specific on your prayers, never underestimate God's generosity.

August - Listen attentively to what others would have to say. A little misinterpretation might cause a lifetime of suffering.

September - Take chances, take a lot of them.

October - Show your emotions, don't be afraid to let the world know how you feel.

November - Love, just love... and forget about why.

December - Learn your lessons well... be thankful... do the right thing.


Olive Joy said...

wow. great lessons.

have a great year, Candy.

candylicious said...

thanks, direk! aka tita uleb.... :D