Sunday, September 28, 2008

Is it?

While doing my usual surfing stuffs, I got this link from a friend's ym status that I wanted to post it here right away. To highlight the article:

Here's a list I grabbed from of a few petty things that normally lead to an i'll-never-again-talk-to-you-til-the-day-I-die feud among pinoy housemates here:

  1. Strands of black, curly hair gathering on bathroom floors – and even on kitchen sinks – that later manifests itself into a furry, gooey creature;
  2. Locking oneself up inside the toilet for an eternity and not giving way even when a housemate is clearly in a bowel-busting, poise-threatening predicament;
  3. “Paranormal” housemates straight from The Sixth Sense who keep insisting they see dead people;
  4. Swiping someone else’s food from the fridge without asking the person who toiled through the night, investing blood, sweat and tears into his special delicacy of scrambled eggs and bacon;
  5. Leaving the lights and heater on through the night;
  6. Leaving the doors open;
  7. Waiting for the garbage to pile up, hoping perhaps Oscar the Grouch would pop out of it suddenly to spew some expletives; and,
  8. Using groceries and supplies like they were manna from heaven and not bothering to restock them.

And all I can say is.... yeah they are definitely true and more hehehehe.... :) Click here for the full article.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Friday, September 19, 2008

Once Upon A Time

Once upon a time, there was a young lady who dreamed of working outside her Fairyland. She wanted to try something new in her life. Being a methodical person that she is, she plotted her plans accordingly, from updating her CV, planning her would-be lifestyle and even her parting words for her family. As she started to execute each and every item in her list, a major incident happened that she never thought would turn her life around. She was torn between fulfilling her 2 outmost goals in life: to take the chance to live independently or take the risk of getting into a vulnerable situation that she's been asking for even before man landed on the moon.

After so much contemplation, she chose the latter. And the rest is history which needs another entry on this page. But this story is not about whether she made the wrong decision or she definitely made the wrong decision. This story is about how she managed to put back all the pieces and started all over again.

And now.... the story begins...

Early this year, she had decided to try her luck in a land where most, afaik, IT professionals go for a greener pasture. She's been hearing a lot of good opportunities here. Not to mention that 2 of her best friends are already working here for more than a year already and they've been convincing her to follow. So, she updated her online resume and even registered for 2 more.

Months passed....

One May friday afternoon, while working on her usual stuffs in front of her desktop, she got a call from an unregistered number. The voice on the other line introduced herself from a Singapore-based agency who is looking for a Release-slash-Configuration Management-slash-Change Engineer. The caller asked for some info regarding her duties at work and later set an appointment for a phone interview by the client. 2 hours later, the Team Lead of the client called and the interview took almost an hour. Another 2 hours had passed, she received another call, this time from the Manager of the same client. She's being offered of the position and they talked about the compensation and her availability. The girl was overwhelmed, thinking how everything went this fast like lightning. And because she needed sometime to think things over, she asked the Manager to call back again later once she's home just to give her time to weigh her options.

On her way home, her mind was occupied with ifs and buts, whys and hows. This is it!!! This is the chance she's been waiting for. All she needs to do is say yes. On the very same night, the Manager called again and they talked about compensation. They agreed on the figures but she hasn't accepted the whole offer, yet. She needed to talk to the agent for other admin stuffs. Her weekend was filled with mental and emotional torture. The salary thingy has been set aside. It's a closed deal anyway. What occupies her mind are the things and people that she will left behind. Her family, her friends, the gimiks, etc. But since she had already partially prepared herself for this, the torture did not last long but enough to give her sleepless nights.

Monday, the agent called again and discussed about the whole package. She sent the offer letter on that very same day. After a numerous exchange of questions and answers in about a week, our lady dreamer finally signed the offer and the countdown began.

Days went so fast.....really, really, really fast.

One-day interview, one-hour offer negotiation, a weekend to decide, a week to finally accept it...and a month to prepare for her new journey... new life... new chapter.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Countdown to Christmas

Christmas is near.... countdown begins.... and one more good reason for my tears to fall again at night... until this day comes... :((

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Back to Reading

Below is a list of my criteria in reading novels:

1. Recommended by my close friends
2. With movie adaptation
3. Commercially popular

Books that I own that fall on this criteria:

1. A Walk To Remember - very first book that I bought. I had this after watching the film starring Mandy Moore

2. LOTR Series (The Hobbit, Fellowship of the Ring, Two Towers, Return of the King) - got hooked with Legolas and Aragon in the motion picture that I decided to buy the whole set with their faces as covers hehehe and up until now, I only finished reading The Hobbit and Fellowship of the Ring ;))

3. Dan Brown's Books (Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, Deception Point, Digital Fortress) - due to curiosity, I bought and read Da Vinci Code in just one week despite the busy work schedule and got hooked with the author's style in writing that I eventually purchased the other three

4. Are You Afraid of the Dark by Sidney Sheldon - recommended by Jhie

I seldom read books. So far, these are the only books that I've read and owned. And I have this habit that when I decide to read one, I buy it :) Purchasing and collecting any reading materials give me some kind of fullfillment.

Still in queue :

1. Tuesdays with Morrie - recommended by Olive
2. Teatime Stories for Women - already have this but I left it back home
3. Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus - I had this in my Christmas 2007 Wishlist and planning to have it this 2008 again

Early this year, because of the mushy quotes that I've been posting on my ym status, my friend Lia recommended Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. She said I could get more of it from that book. But because I was too busy doing other stuffs, I couldn't find time to read any novels. And just the other day, Don posted an entry on his blogsite about this book which reminded me of Lia's testiomonials for this novel. I ym-ed Lia and asked for more info and she told me that a film adaptation of this will soon be released in November.

So now, I just got my own copy.. :D

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Hongkong 2008

This is my very first international trip and I don't want to miss this chance to share this wonderful experience even if its 2 months overdue :)

Day 1

Our flight is at 10am, June 21. I arrived at the Centennial Airport 3 hours earlier and as expected, Jhie was not yet around. I didn't know if I was just excited or simply I didn't want to be late and that's it. Anyhoo, the check-in process was smooth. I even got the chance to choose a window seat. Few people are in queue and it only took me about 30 minutes to get in, that includes the time I spent waiting for Jhie to arrive. Few minutes before boarding, I still didn't have any clue where my good friend is. And to make the very long story short, I boarded the plane, took my very first international journey without the person that I was supposed to be with hehehehe....

Too bad for me 'cause I had no one to talk to while on board. No one to share my excitement with and just get contented in taking photos of everything.

From Hongkong International Airport, I took the Double-Decker bus in going to Kowloon where we had our room reservation. While on my way to the city, I couldn't hide my excitement and again, took photos of everything that I see....from the bridges, tunnels, buildings. After almost an hour, I finally reached Nathan Road but I was clueless where to alight. I couldn't clearly hear what place is being announced over the speaker. I just used my instinct in deciding where to alight and my instinct did not work pretty good hehehehe... I was 2 bus stops away from the Tsim Tsa Tsui Mansion, our place to stay.

Ate Janet, the room owner, welcomed me to the place and she escorted me to our room. Because of so much stress that I got in getting here, mentally and physically, I decided to take a nap and wait till Jhie arrives. Good thing though I was able to text her the address the moment I arrived on the airport. The nap turned to a 3-hr sleep and still no clues of Jhie's whereabouts. Haaaayyy.... after texting Nikki and Tabel of the misadventures that we had today, I decided to start exploring Hongkong by going to the Avenue of Stars which is just a 15-minute walk from the Mansion. I went to the money changer first and proceeded to my first stop.

Watching the Symphony of Lights is a one-of-its-kind experience. At exactly 8pm, I got myself a good place to watch the show and took photos and video of it. I was amazed on how the building lights from one side of the river to the other danced to the sound of an entertaining music.

After the 20-minute show, I had my very first out-of-the-country dinner....... guess where? :D at McDonalds!!!! Hehehehehe.... I wanted to have an authentic chinese food for dinner but downtown is about 15-20 minute walk from where I am and I could no longer wait and walk that long with an empty stomach.

I came home past 9 and still, Jhie has not yet arrived. I was in the middle of conversation with Ate Janet when we heard a knock on the door. Finally!!!!!!! She's here!!!! Whew!!! After so much talk about her misadventures from Pinas to HK, we went out to the busy streets of Kowloon and she had her dinner and afterwards, we tasted some of HK's street foods:

Day 2

Ocean Park

After Ocean Park, the next stop should be in Victoria's Peak but there was no direct bus trip going there. We had to go back to Admirality MRT station and from there we could take a bus to VP. Feeling stinky and uncomfy ('coz we did not bring an extra shirt), we decided to get home first and refresh ourselves. At the mansion, we asked Ate Janet on how to get to VP and if it still advisable to go there at night. She said that the view is much better in the afternoon and she suggested to visit Macau instead which is about 45-minute-ferry-ride away from our place. Jhie went to Macau that night while I stayed at Kowloon, stroll around, shopped for pasalubongs and had dinner at an old Chinese Resto. Wondering why I did not go to Macau with Jhie? Hhhhmmm... due to some personal reasons :)

Day 3

Big Buddha

And of course, Hongkong trip wouldn't be complete without


And the best fireworks display that I have ever seen....

I was able to record the show but Im still looking for ways on how to upload it since its size is over the maximum allowed size of 100MB.

Day 4

Departure. We bought more pasalubongs just before we left the Mansion. Bad thing though, shops here open at 11am and we had to be at the airport before 1pm. So, we just settled for some items at the nearby store.

What an enchanting experience! :)

You may also visit my multiply site for more photos... :)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

First MC

I woke up this morning on a bad note. My monthly visitor is here again and giving me so much pain... pain that it has mastered since the day it entered my life. I went straight to the kitchen to prepare my baon but too lazy to pick up the utensils. I just decided to get back to bed and texted my manager that I'll be on MC (their term for SL) today. It is a company policy that even if its just a 1-day MC, you have to get a Medical Certificate. Good thing about it though is first, we have a healthcard and we can have unlimited medical check-ups in any accredited clinics for FREE; second, there is a nearby accredited clinic.... few blocks away from our block. As soon as I got my boss' reply, I went back to sleep and woke up again after 2 hours. I prepared myself for the check up.

In the clinic, I told the doctor that I have menstrual pain and all I need is a med cert because I wasn't able to report for work today. Since my condition is a normal thing, he just advised me to take a blackcurrant supplement. It has components that will help lessen the pain and even improve my blood circulation. He also noticed my pimple marks on my face and on my chest. He said that my dysmenorrhea and breakouts are due to hormonal thingy. It's in my system and to avoid such, guess what he advised! He recommended a birth control pill!!!!! Hehehehe..... According to him, this will improve my blood circulation and my skin condition. At the back of my mind... "yeah i know... these are the side effects of a birth control pill.... but I don't need this now... I don't have sex life bwehehehehe....." So after a 15-minute question-and-answer portion, I went home with 3 kinds of medicines that come with the consultation. I did not take any of those hehehe.... All I need is a med cert anyway.

At home, I researched for the blackcurrant and its benefits. It looks interesting and I might buy it one of these days. I'll check my budget first :)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The New iPod Nano

Hindi ko pa nga nabibili ito, may bago na naman......

Haaayyyy.... sana nagbabasa si Santa ng blog ko......

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Radio Clock

Yesterday, an email was sent by our HR inviting everyone to a Brazilian Carnival Party in November. I had no intention of joining but I still browsed the website while having lunch at my desk. I clicked the 'Raffle Prizes' link and got interested on this item.

And since I won't be attending the party, I plan to buy this as soon as I'm done with all my payables :D I searched for more models of this kind and here's what I got:

This one can display still images and videos

And even got more interested on this one:

And since I am away from home, don't you think it's a good investment to have item 2 or 3 so I can view the photos of my loved ones even without turning my Macbook on? Hmmm... so I'm thinking if I would choose 1 and 3 or just the 2nd one? Wachatink, guys? :D

Monday, September 01, 2008

Mac World

So, finally! After about 2 months of being absent from the cyberspace, I'm back with a vengeance! bwehehehehe :) And what a way to welcome my return-of-the-comeback by sharing with you my latest buddy.

More stories and pictures to come so stay tuned! :)