Thursday, September 11, 2008

First MC

I woke up this morning on a bad note. My monthly visitor is here again and giving me so much pain... pain that it has mastered since the day it entered my life. I went straight to the kitchen to prepare my baon but too lazy to pick up the utensils. I just decided to get back to bed and texted my manager that I'll be on MC (their term for SL) today. It is a company policy that even if its just a 1-day MC, you have to get a Medical Certificate. Good thing about it though is first, we have a healthcard and we can have unlimited medical check-ups in any accredited clinics for FREE; second, there is a nearby accredited clinic.... few blocks away from our block. As soon as I got my boss' reply, I went back to sleep and woke up again after 2 hours. I prepared myself for the check up.

In the clinic, I told the doctor that I have menstrual pain and all I need is a med cert because I wasn't able to report for work today. Since my condition is a normal thing, he just advised me to take a blackcurrant supplement. It has components that will help lessen the pain and even improve my blood circulation. He also noticed my pimple marks on my face and on my chest. He said that my dysmenorrhea and breakouts are due to hormonal thingy. It's in my system and to avoid such, guess what he advised! He recommended a birth control pill!!!!! Hehehehe..... According to him, this will improve my blood circulation and my skin condition. At the back of my mind... "yeah i know... these are the side effects of a birth control pill.... but I don't need this now... I don't have sex life bwehehehehe....." So after a 15-minute question-and-answer portion, I went home with 3 kinds of medicines that come with the consultation. I did not take any of those hehehe.... All I need is a med cert anyway.

At home, I researched for the blackcurrant and its benefits. It looks interesting and I might buy it one of these days. I'll check my budget first :)

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