Sunday, September 14, 2008

Hongkong 2008

This is my very first international trip and I don't want to miss this chance to share this wonderful experience even if its 2 months overdue :)

Day 1

Our flight is at 10am, June 21. I arrived at the Centennial Airport 3 hours earlier and as expected, Jhie was not yet around. I didn't know if I was just excited or simply I didn't want to be late and that's it. Anyhoo, the check-in process was smooth. I even got the chance to choose a window seat. Few people are in queue and it only took me about 30 minutes to get in, that includes the time I spent waiting for Jhie to arrive. Few minutes before boarding, I still didn't have any clue where my good friend is. And to make the very long story short, I boarded the plane, took my very first international journey without the person that I was supposed to be with hehehehe....

Too bad for me 'cause I had no one to talk to while on board. No one to share my excitement with and just get contented in taking photos of everything.

From Hongkong International Airport, I took the Double-Decker bus in going to Kowloon where we had our room reservation. While on my way to the city, I couldn't hide my excitement and again, took photos of everything that I see....from the bridges, tunnels, buildings. After almost an hour, I finally reached Nathan Road but I was clueless where to alight. I couldn't clearly hear what place is being announced over the speaker. I just used my instinct in deciding where to alight and my instinct did not work pretty good hehehehe... I was 2 bus stops away from the Tsim Tsa Tsui Mansion, our place to stay.

Ate Janet, the room owner, welcomed me to the place and she escorted me to our room. Because of so much stress that I got in getting here, mentally and physically, I decided to take a nap and wait till Jhie arrives. Good thing though I was able to text her the address the moment I arrived on the airport. The nap turned to a 3-hr sleep and still no clues of Jhie's whereabouts. Haaaayyy.... after texting Nikki and Tabel of the misadventures that we had today, I decided to start exploring Hongkong by going to the Avenue of Stars which is just a 15-minute walk from the Mansion. I went to the money changer first and proceeded to my first stop.

Watching the Symphony of Lights is a one-of-its-kind experience. At exactly 8pm, I got myself a good place to watch the show and took photos and video of it. I was amazed on how the building lights from one side of the river to the other danced to the sound of an entertaining music.

After the 20-minute show, I had my very first out-of-the-country dinner....... guess where? :D at McDonalds!!!! Hehehehehe.... I wanted to have an authentic chinese food for dinner but downtown is about 15-20 minute walk from where I am and I could no longer wait and walk that long with an empty stomach.

I came home past 9 and still, Jhie has not yet arrived. I was in the middle of conversation with Ate Janet when we heard a knock on the door. Finally!!!!!!! She's here!!!! Whew!!! After so much talk about her misadventures from Pinas to HK, we went out to the busy streets of Kowloon and she had her dinner and afterwards, we tasted some of HK's street foods:

Day 2

Ocean Park

After Ocean Park, the next stop should be in Victoria's Peak but there was no direct bus trip going there. We had to go back to Admirality MRT station and from there we could take a bus to VP. Feeling stinky and uncomfy ('coz we did not bring an extra shirt), we decided to get home first and refresh ourselves. At the mansion, we asked Ate Janet on how to get to VP and if it still advisable to go there at night. She said that the view is much better in the afternoon and she suggested to visit Macau instead which is about 45-minute-ferry-ride away from our place. Jhie went to Macau that night while I stayed at Kowloon, stroll around, shopped for pasalubongs and had dinner at an old Chinese Resto. Wondering why I did not go to Macau with Jhie? Hhhhmmm... due to some personal reasons :)

Day 3

Big Buddha

And of course, Hongkong trip wouldn't be complete without


And the best fireworks display that I have ever seen....

I was able to record the show but Im still looking for ways on how to upload it since its size is over the maximum allowed size of 100MB.

Day 4

Departure. We bought more pasalubongs just before we left the Mansion. Bad thing though, shops here open at 11am and we had to be at the airport before 1pm. So, we just settled for some items at the nearby store.

What an enchanting experience! :)

You may also visit my multiply site for more photos... :)

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