Friday, September 19, 2008

Once Upon A Time

Once upon a time, there was a young lady who dreamed of working outside her Fairyland. She wanted to try something new in her life. Being a methodical person that she is, she plotted her plans accordingly, from updating her CV, planning her would-be lifestyle and even her parting words for her family. As she started to execute each and every item in her list, a major incident happened that she never thought would turn her life around. She was torn between fulfilling her 2 outmost goals in life: to take the chance to live independently or take the risk of getting into a vulnerable situation that she's been asking for even before man landed on the moon.

After so much contemplation, she chose the latter. And the rest is history which needs another entry on this page. But this story is not about whether she made the wrong decision or she definitely made the wrong decision. This story is about how she managed to put back all the pieces and started all over again.

And now.... the story begins...

Early this year, she had decided to try her luck in a land where most, afaik, IT professionals go for a greener pasture. She's been hearing a lot of good opportunities here. Not to mention that 2 of her best friends are already working here for more than a year already and they've been convincing her to follow. So, she updated her online resume and even registered for 2 more.

Months passed....

One May friday afternoon, while working on her usual stuffs in front of her desktop, she got a call from an unregistered number. The voice on the other line introduced herself from a Singapore-based agency who is looking for a Release-slash-Configuration Management-slash-Change Engineer. The caller asked for some info regarding her duties at work and later set an appointment for a phone interview by the client. 2 hours later, the Team Lead of the client called and the interview took almost an hour. Another 2 hours had passed, she received another call, this time from the Manager of the same client. She's being offered of the position and they talked about the compensation and her availability. The girl was overwhelmed, thinking how everything went this fast like lightning. And because she needed sometime to think things over, she asked the Manager to call back again later once she's home just to give her time to weigh her options.

On her way home, her mind was occupied with ifs and buts, whys and hows. This is it!!! This is the chance she's been waiting for. All she needs to do is say yes. On the very same night, the Manager called again and they talked about compensation. They agreed on the figures but she hasn't accepted the whole offer, yet. She needed to talk to the agent for other admin stuffs. Her weekend was filled with mental and emotional torture. The salary thingy has been set aside. It's a closed deal anyway. What occupies her mind are the things and people that she will left behind. Her family, her friends, the gimiks, etc. But since she had already partially prepared herself for this, the torture did not last long but enough to give her sleepless nights.

Monday, the agent called again and discussed about the whole package. She sent the offer letter on that very same day. After a numerous exchange of questions and answers in about a week, our lady dreamer finally signed the offer and the countdown began.

Days went so fast.....really, really, really fast.

One-day interview, one-hour offer negotiation, a weekend to decide, a week to finally accept it...and a month to prepare for her new journey... new life... new chapter.

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