Saturday, November 15, 2008

Batam, Indonesia

It was supposed to be a Sunday trip to Batam, Indonesia with my colleagues from Lawson. But sudden change of plans moved it to yesterday, instead. I wasn't sure if I could join them since I had to report back to work last Thursday at 11pm and stayed there 'till past 12mn. Plus, I had a scheduled training from 9am-1pm the following day. Friday was a day off since this is a production weekend. We were supposed to rest the whole day to get enough energy for the weekend release which happens at 1am onwards of Saturday. Just before I went home last Thursday, I'd cancelled my enrollment to the training 'coz I thought I wouldn't be able to wake up early. Coming from a late night shift going to the training is not a good idea. But I just found out this morning that it was too late to cancel my enrollment and if the training center could not find a replacemet for me, it would cost 400sgd which is chargeable to the cost centre where I belong. Ok, goodluck to me!

And so I decided to join Marnie and company in their trip to Batam. At least, I didn't need to wake up so early. Met them in Harbour Front at 9:30 and took a 45-minute ferry ride to Batam. There was nothing special in the place. I did not even take a picture of anything when we were there. What I have are photos while we were in the ferry. We had lunch at a fastfood in Megamall (Yes, they have a Megamall also! :D), just across the ferry terminal. I tried one of their specialties, some kind of noodles that I forgot the name was good except that it was too spicy for me. After lunch, we rented a cab to bring us to some other malls. Hehehehe... puro malls talaga ang pinuntahan namin.... We asked the driver to bring us to Nagoya Hill, a bigger and better mall compared to Megamall (according to the locals there). He suggested to visit Ramayana instead because goods are much cheaper than the ones in Nagoya Hill. And so, after about 15 minutes, we found ourselves shopping for sandals, shirts, blouses for pasalubong and for ourselves. It was a quick trip really. I think we just spent 3 hours there 'coz they had to go back to SG for their Malaysia trip in the evening. And I have to report for work at 1am the following day. Badly needed some sleep before going to the office.

I'm still tired, sleepy and exhausted while typing this post. I'm a bit worried if the cost centre would ask me to pay for the cost of the training. I'm not quite sure if I did not commit any mistake in the release this morning. But I have no regrets at all. At least, for now.

Thanks to Marnie and my new-found co-gimikeras, Erika, Owey and Ana. Until the next trip! :)

Erika, I'll be waiting for the photos...specially the ones taken in the overpass :) Can't wait to see.

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