Sunday, November 30, 2008

SITEX 2008

This is the 2nd time I'd experienced this quarterly event here in SG. Unlike the first one, which happened last August, this time I really felt down into my bones that I was in an IT show! Hehehehe.... During the first time, my sole focus was to get the best Macbook offer from authorized Apple retailers, that's why I never looked into any other promotions: TVs, other laptops, cameras etc. Just spent 3 hours in Suntec, asked for a friend's friend's help to use her Citibank so I can pay installment and voila! Got my Macky :)

SITEX 2008 started last Thursday and will end today. Last friday, I accompanied Mitch during lunchtime at EXPO and she bought a Toshiba laptop with a lot of freebies! Canon printer, extended warranty, 4gb thumbdrive, optical mouse, slip case, laptop lock (I don't know if this is the right term, though :D ) and free upgrade to 2gb RAM. MS Vista is the OS by default.

After her, it's my turn to buy a Christmas gift for myself *wink*, an iPod Touch 16gb hehehehe... The freebies are: Silicon Case, Screen Protector, Speaker Case and a charger. Used my 3-day old Citibank Premier Miles credit card and now, Macky got a little sister :) Spent another 3 hours at the Expo on an office day (pasaway!) Even skipped lunch for this.

The following day, Saturday, I went back there and bought an 8gb Toshiba thumbdrive for S$24.90 and a 2gb Pendrive MicroSD for S$6.90. I quickly moved out of the hall after purchasing those 'coz I might not resist temptations anymore if I stayed longer.

Hopped to the adjacent hall for the John Little Sale. Bought some blouses for me and garments for my kuya and tatay. Also, this is the second straight day that I had skipped lunch.

Later in the evening, Mitch invited me to a friend's birthday party and stayed there 'til around 10pm. Stayed awake up until 2:30am to iron my clothes while watching Ugly Betty S1 :)

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