Sunday, April 12, 2009

Binyag - The Singapore Way

When I attended a mass this evening, it was my first time to witness a Baptismal Ceremony here in SG. There were about 25 babies who were welcomed to the Christian World and it took almost half an hour to finish. The last time I attended a Baptism was in 2001 (if I'm not mistaken) and I really don't know if the occasion evolved in the past years. Here in SG, this is how it is observed:

The parents/guardians, together with the baby are lined-up in the middle aisle and have to wait for their turn. A signal will be given to them and they will proceed to the cross-shaped mini pool in front of the altar where the Priest is waiting for them.

There are 2 ways to baptize the child, either by pouring the water over his/her head (infusion) or the priest will immerse the child in the water (immersion). After which, the priest will lift the baby for the whole community to see and he/she will be welcomed by everyone.

I hope these babies will be good and responsible Christians :)

By the way, out of these 25 angels that were baptized, only 2 of them got stuck in my head:... they were named: Christabel (or is it Cristabel) and Genevieve hehehehehe..... :)

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