Saturday, December 31, 2011

To 2012

You’ll be here any moment now. People around the world will greet you with great smiles and new hopes, that includes myself. But with this, comes fear. Fear that this year will not make any difference from the last. I don’t want that. I want something new... something that will positively turn my world around. Can you help me? Can you guide me? Can you give me MORE CHANCES and a little luck? I’m not asking for instant presents. If I need to work hard for it, I am most willing to do so. You know me, I work doubly hard for anything that I want... but sometimes, no matter how hard I try, it seems that my best is not enough. Strength, Wisdom and Guidance.... please? Welcome, 2012! Happy New Year, everyone! :)

To 2011

Though it wasn't the best year that I ever had, still, that won't stop me to give thanks and be grateful for everything you have given me. I may have not gotten what I wanted, what I prayed and hoped for but nonetheless, you gave me chances... as a matter of fact, I just realized that those were the perfect things I really needed. With these, you gave me the opportunity to think and decide for myself and eventually.... I learned a lot from those. Lessons that will guide me as I face new challenges and countless blessings in the coming year. Thank you, 2011!

I Lived, Therefore, I Learned - My 2011

...putting an end to a special  friendship, passing away of  a loved one,  discovering a new friendship just to watch it bid goodbye so soon, realizing your "the one that got away“ and getting out of your way to prove something but eventually finding yourself in the losing end...

That's how my 2011 has been and to quote Claire Morgan's speech in the movie New Year's Eve: 

...the times we opened ourselves up to great adventures or closed ourselves down for fear of getting hurt... 
I tried both... giving same result.

And as I welcome the new year, I'll bring with me all the lessons I learned but will leave the experiences behind hoping for a better and stronger Candy in 2012.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Thoughts

It' Christmas, I know. Time to be merry and joyful. But no matter what you do to make others and yourself happy.... still there's a spot in your heart that feels lonely and empty. Made by the ones who did and did not remember you. Thank you and good mornight, everyone! :) Once again, have a blessed and meaningful Christmas!

Christmas 2011

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Christmas 2011 Wishlist

Swatch Irony Diaphane in Full-Blooded Navy
Sephora Makeup Studio Blockbuster

Adidas Adicolor Holdall in Black

Monday, August 22, 2011

The Return of the Prodigal Fan

2 conferences ago when I decided not to watch PBA anymore.  After 19 years of following the only professional basketball league in the Philippines, I came to a point when I lost my interest in my team... no... it's more of.. nagtampoYes.  After San Miguel lost to Talk 'n Text in the finals of 2010-2011 Philippine Cup, the management decided to trade its 3 core players: Danny Seigle, Dondon Hontiveros and Dorian Pena in exchange of younger legs and future draft picks.  I know this wasn't the first time that players left their mother team, retirement would be the most acceptable reason, but to get traded in a blink of an eye, I couldn't bear that.  I've witnessed several trades in the past but this was unimaginable.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Live and Obey, Love and Believe

"Don't be wishing you were someplace else or with someone else. Where you are right now is God's place for you. Live and obey and love and believe right there. God, not your marital status, defines your life." - 1 Corinthians 7:17

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Where Has My Weekend Gone?

The Answer: Work.Work.Work.

And once again... I survived, even if I had to go through a difficult time.  A happy kind of sad, I am.

"What does not destroy me, makes me stronger." 
- Friedrich Nietzsche

Friday, July 08, 2011

Three of a Kind

Have you ever wondered why people come into your life, turning it 360 degrees but they are not there to stay?  Why with just one smile, your life is not just yours anymore?  And no matter how hard you try to build all the defenses, you still get hurt?

Tough, huh?  That's how life is, TOUGH.

Imagine this, all your life, you only believed in Black and White, not in Greys... just in Yes and No... not in Maybes.  And all of a sudden, a person walks into your life and showed you a rainbow, you got thrilled and overwhelmed by its enchanting colors.  But he forgot to tell you that rainbow comes only after the rain.  And just when you started to build your dreams in reaching for this colorful arc, you found out that you're doing it all by yourself.  

He smiled at you, you smiled back.  You said to yourself: "Nahh... it's just a simple smile to a new acquaintance."  This acquaintance turns into a friend... into a special friend... into a very special friend.  "I'm willing to take a risk.  I'll give this a try.", you said.

Distance and time never stopped you in hoping that one day, you will be more than just friends.  Not a day has passed that you didn't think of him.  You patiently waited.... for uncertainties.  At last, the long wait is over.  'Coz he finally....... finally found his girl.  And it's not you.

In order to keep ourselves away from any harm we build defenses, but most of the time, they strike back to us which leave a deeper wound.  We avoid those things that certainly will hurt us, but in the process, we hurt other people too.

Life really has its own ways to test us.  All we need is to be strong without being insensitive, be courageous but not arrogant and most of all, never lose faith.... faith in yourself and faith in Him.  People come into our lives, teach us the most important lessons and eventually leave, not because we're not worthy of them, but because their part is over.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Boracay 2011

After 3 months of preparation, everything is settled and all I could do is to pray for a smooth trip and a perfect weather.  This is going to be a mix of a well-deserved vacation and witnessing the union of 2 wonderful people in holy matrimony.

Day 1:
3-hr flight from Singapore to Manila, waited in the airport for 5 hours to take another short trip from Manila to Kalibo.  And from Kalibo, a speedy 1-hr land travel to Caticlan and finally getting to our destination a little past lunchtime.  Whew! It's been long and tiring journey but it was all worth it upon assuring myself: "Yes, I am in paradise!"

Sunday, May 22, 2011

See You Very Very Soon!

It's been 2 years since the last time we were together.  I must admit, I missed you terribly.  Yes, I've been engaged with lots of stuff that I find it so hard to spend time with you.  Fortunately, the universe conspires to bring us back together again.

Whenever I'm with you, I forget how crazy the world is, even just for a moment.  With you, I can be my damn self.... with you, I feel loved... with you, I find solace...... 

  see you real soon, Boracay! :)

Sunday, May 08, 2011

One-of-a-Kind Tweet

Who would have thought that the best-selling author of this era does not only follow tweets but a boxing follower, too! :)  And this tweet from him made me admire him more and feel even prouder as a Filipino.  Thanks, Sir Paulo! :)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Birthday 2011

After 2 birthdays, it's my first time to celebrate here in Singapore.

my birthday wish: peace on earth ;))
Butterfly Dreams :D
thanks for coming, guys :D

Friday, April 15, 2011

Something to Remember

"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
  --  Martin Luther King Jr.

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Banco Filipino

I can't remember exactly anymore when my Nanay and I had started business with them. But for sure, I was still a minor then because as far as I can remember, my first bank book cover shows Happy Savers' Club, a special Savings account exclusively for below 18 yrs of age.

For more than a decade, they've been a good bank for us.  The people were friendly, jolly and considerate.  But just like the old song says... "some good things never last...", the bank had to say goodbye for the 2nd time since it started in 1964 and it really breaks my heart...

A little tribute to an institution who had accepted us with just a little amount of fund to start with, helped it grow and kept it safe all these years...
Thank you...

*courtesy of

Friday, April 01, 2011

Perks!!! Perks!!! Perks!!!

It's the month of April once again! It means..... it's my BIRTHDAY month!!!! :D which means... I gotta have lots of perks from SG stores where I am a member of :D  Just to name a few:

1.  20% off on ALL items (even sale items) in all ESPRIT stores all month long
2.  One-time 20% off in The Body Shop
3.  x5 bonus points in Watsons (which could give me around 10-15sgd of savings) on my first purchase for the month
4.  One-time 20% off in TANGS
5.  28sgd worth of Orient Detox Remedy (U.P. 257.50sgd) from Rustic Nirvana courtesy of Sony Singapore

It's going to be a Happy Birth-MONTH, indeed! :D

Sunday, February 06, 2011


5 hours from now, I will say goodbye to our cute little angel of the house.  He'll be going back to Manila with his grannies while his parents will stay here preparing their migration to Canada.  I will surely miss this little boy.  No more sweet voice in the morning that I constantly here before going for work, no more cute little darling who playfully chases me just to ask me to carry him.  No more playtime after work.

Bye, Enzo!  Thanks for lighting up our home far away from "real" home.
take care, little boy... :)

Thursday, February 03, 2011

On Moving Out

I never thought that moving out from one flat to another would cost us our souls.  Of course that was overstatement but what I mean is... argghh... imagine this.... 1 month advance, 2 months deposit, agent's fee which is worth a month of rental... that is a total of 4-month rental for one whole flat.  DAMN!!!!

Budget has been re-aligned, savings have been withdrawn.... time to tighten the belt until everything goes back to normal.

Don't fuss about what's on the table at mealtimes or if the clothes in your closet are in fashion. There is far more to your inner life than the food you put in your stomach, more to your outer appearance than the clothes you hang on your body. Look at the ravens, free and unfettered, not tied down to a job description, carefree in the care of God. And you count far more. ~ Luke 12:22-24

Sunday, January 23, 2011


here I am... in a familiar place once again... trying my very damn best to emotionally detach myself from someone I have learned to care about... from someone who had given me a million reason to believe that I am still able to find happiness after sorrow....

he might not know it, but I'm hoping he had felt it... we are 7 hours and 6300 miles apart... and yet timezone and distance never stopped me from showing how much he means to me...
(with fingers crossed) I hope he feels the same way, too....

Saturday, January 08, 2011

Diet Plan

AM: Rice Meal.
NN: Pasta or Sandwich or Salad
PM: Fruits or Oatmeal or NOTHING

Sodas/Juices: once-a-week, strictly one glass
Less Carbs.Lesser Sweets.No Fats.
10-15 glasses of H2O everyday
7 hours of sleep
morning workouts

tons of prayers, 100% confidence :D

First Quarter Goal

Holidays are over, summer is nearer;
time to trim the belly and wear that bikini :D 

courtesy of Billabong

2011 Line-Up

I love planning... yes I do.  I feel so incomplete if I missed to plot down my activities for the following day moreso, for the whole year.  Of course, everyday planning is much much different from doing it annually but at least, I would be getting some ideas where and how to start.

January - February:
  • need to look for a new flat and this time, I'll be moving in with my friend Mitch and her another friend;
  • time to say goodbye to my 2.5 year old "SG home" and embrace a major change for this year; new place, new housemates and hopefully a better lifestyle;
  • will be in Manila from 10-15 to attend my friend's wedding on the 12th;
April :
  •  my birthday month but I'm not planning any big celebration unlike last year.  probably a lunch or dinner with some close friends.... and I will spend it here in SG;
  • N/A
  • will be in Manila/Boracay (1st-2nd week) to attend a friend's wedding (oh no! not again!!!)
July - Septmber:
  • TBA
  • parents to visit me here in SG and celebrate nanay's bday;
November - December:
  • no more annual leaves by this time so, I'll be spending Christmas holidays in SG;

Saturday, January 01, 2011