Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas 2013


Photo Credit:

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Sydney Tower Eye and Skywalk

For the past weeks that I've been strolling along Pitt St., there's no single moment that I did not glance at the Sydney Tower Eye.  I'd been wanting to see the entire Sydney in a panoramic view and most of all, I'd been looking forward to witness the sunset 250++ metres above the ground, something that I haven't experienced before.  So, I really carefully planned my trip up there.

Wednesday, I went straight to Westfield after work to inquire if the slot that I want is still open and yes, it is! :D  And since I'm still 2 hours early, I spent an hour or so taking photos of Sydney at different views and angles.

And finally, the wait is over! :D
There are several sections of the tower but I only visited two, the observation deck and the Skywalk.  The observation deck is an enclosed viewing platform featuring 360-degree view of the city.  You can also find here the souvenir shop and multilingual touchscreens that give information of each area seen from the angle where these screens are located.

There's a 4D short film about Sydney before going up there
That's the Queen Victoria Building
And there is the Skywalk experience where you can walk in an open-air, glass-floored platform that encircles the Sydney Tower Eye.   The view and the experiene are breathtaking.  Enjoy the pics! :)

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Third Weekend in Sydney (Sunday)

Lee and I met at 9am in Townhall Station and took a train to Blacktown and a bus going to Featherdale Zoo.  It was freaking, damn cold and the non-stop rain made the weather even worse.  But  it was all worth it after seeing in flesh all these adorable animals.

There are of course other animals like bats, peacocks, pelicans, crocs, snakes, etc. but I won't post any photo of those since they are commonly seen in all other zoos. :)  It only took us around 2 hours in exploring the place.  But if there were animal shows, we would have stayed a little longer.  It so happened that the weather was pretty bad and there were no school field trips so, there was no single animal show.  But still, it was worth it for a tourist like me.

After the meet and greet with these wonderful species, we had a typical burger, fries  and coke for lunch and found some weird souvenirs at the shop.  How weird is it?  Check this out.

This item costs 26AUD in the Zoo, but I bought it for 12AUD in Darling Harbour :D
Thanks for an amazing experience, Featherdale Zoo!

NOTE:  To those who are planning to visit the place by public transport, if you're taking a bus from Blacktown Station, the zoo is at the right side and in a residential area (surrounded by houses).  You won't notice the zoo name as shown in the picture above because it's facing the other side.  We almost missed it! :D

Third Weekend in Sydney (Saturday)

This is my second time in Manly Bay.  First, when I was invited to a dinner at Bavarian Cafe last Halloween night.  No, we didn't attend a costume party, it was a farewell dinner for Irish (who was set to fly back to Manila in 2 days) by her teammates.  And since it was an evening event, I didn't get to see the beauty of the beach so I decided to return today, thank God for a wonderful, sunny weather :)

The Plane, The Bridge and The Boat
Manly Beach (Bay)
Manly Beach (Bay)
Fish 'n Chips 'n Beer for lunch :)
Facetime with Nanay and Josh while on board the ferry

Monday, December 16, 2013

Second Weekend in Sydney (Sunday)

Thanks to Lee (my officemate)'s friend who took time to tour us around outside CBD.  Our first stop is at Sydney Olympic Park, the home of 2000 Olympics.

Afterwards, we headed to 2 outlet stores in Sydney: DFO and Birkenhead Point.  If only I had much money to spend, I would have shopped more but since it was only my first week, I had no reason  to overspend.  I bought 2 perfumes (for nanay and tatay) and a set of lip gloss.   There's an Oroton bag that I really wanted to buy but I had to wait for sometime until I have enough budget. :)

Second Weekend in Sydney (Saturday)

Let the photos speak for themselves :D

Bondi Beach
from higher view
up close

The Gap, Watsons  Bay
stunning view!

Thursday, December 05, 2013

First Weekend in Sydney

4 months into my new job, I got a chance to spend a month of work and training in one of the well-known cities of Australia.... SYDNEY! :)  And since this wonderful opportunity has come my way, I promised myself to make the most out of my stay in the Land Down Under.  Though I would be staying here for work and training, of course I will never let this golden opportunity to pass without exploring its wonders.  So, let me share with you my adventures and misadventures while touring around Sydney!

1st weekend:
It wasn't a nice way to start off my journey:  horrible traffic from home to the airport, delayed flight and a kid who had uncontrollable behavior during the flight.  Good thing though, I was totally tired and sleepy and didn't have a hard time falling asleep the entire trip.  But before that, I met a lady doctor at the boarding gate of NAIA Terminal 1 while waiting for our plane.  We talked about the typical topics: why are you going to Sydney, where do you work, are you travelling alone, etc.  And her story has really caught my attention and I guess, it is worth sharing.

Sunday, December 01, 2013

Christmas 2013 Wishlist

Xtreme Magic Sing (Diamond)

Leather Vintage Watch with Bracelets
Digital FM Pocket Radio

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Japan 2013

It’s not the typical out-of-town trip that I usually go for.  Actually, it’s not even part of my plans for this year to start with but you know, there are some things or should I say, there are lots of things that we do unplanned.  And this is one of those.

This is going to be my first trip to the Land of the Rising Sun, my first visit to a country where a Visa is required for a Filipino citizen and yey, I got multiple-entry for 3 years!   Anyway, I’ll come here to visit and spend time with a friend, a very special friend.  And if only for that reason, flying all the way here was all worth it... no regrets.

Forget about being held in the Japan Immigration for 20 minutes because my passport was “questionable” and forget about the 4 days of heavy rain which totally ruined my entire itinerary.

What matters most is “you were there at the airport to pick me up, you were there... my ever smart and energetic tour guide, you were there to hold my hand when we’re crossing the slippery streets of Hakata, you were there to be my diligent interpreter when I was lost in translation, and you never left me even if you got bored while I was doing my shopping.”  

Thank you.

And as we kissed and hugged each other goodbye at the airport, I was hoping that it wouldn’t be the last but at the back of my mind I remember what you once said, “if not me some other nice guy who appreciates you will come your way”.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

On Being Busy and Priorities

In this digital era that we all are in, I doubt if there’s any individual who is not busy.  Whether at work, school, with family or what have you, everyone has his own duty to fulfil.  Tight deadlines, exams, PTA meetings, school projects, household chores, etc.  And I’m not exempted to that.  I never ran out of things to do and activities to plan but I’m not complaining.  I’m actually liking it because it makes me closer to the next promising day of my life.

I just want to point out something. Amidst the busy life that we have, how do we manage to get things done at the right time and in the right place?  Simple.  PRIORITY.  We’re not Superman nor Ironman who can get things done in a snap.  But we can set our priorities, giving the #1 spot to the most important one, second, third and so on.

That’s how I manage my tasks at work.  Sorting out which needs to be done first according to importance and urgency.  Doing some tasks simultaneously if possible and giving out my 100% to accomplish those efficiently.

But of course, my life doesn’t revolve in my work alone.  I have my family, friends and someone in between and they too, get prioritized.  No, they are my priorities.  There’s no ‘busy’ excuse from me to not send a message to my mom, say hi to a friend or spend some quality time with people who matter most to me, whether personally or electronically.  TIME, it’s totally free and yet, it’s the hardest thing to give to someone.  But it only gets difficult if we don’t give priority.. plain and simple.  And if they don’t fall under our priorities, it means they don’t mean so much to us.

And that is why I don't buy the excuse "Sorry, I'm busy.". When I hear that, I just keep mum, smile and tell myself, "I got it.".

Sunday, June 30, 2013

5 Years

June 28, 2008.  Exactly 5 years ago when I first set foot in Singapore.  With just one luggage and a backpack, 2 week’s worth of office clothes and few sets of casual apparels, I faced the greatest challenge of my life then:  live and work in a foreign country far away from my family.  Though it wasn’t easy, it wasn’t difficult neither.
I didn’t imagine that, that one big decision of mine would give me and my loved ones the best things of our lives.  What all I wanted then was to try to live independently and it turned out I achieved more than that.  I became stronger, smarter and a better individual.   I learned to deal with different types of peoples from different nations, cultures, religions, ages and orientations.  And from there, I learned to respect everyone’s opinions, preferences and differences and in the process, I gained wonderful friends and remain in touch with the good old ones.
Not only I did improve myself, I also got the chance to fulfil a life-long dream:  owning a house and lot.  Though I’m still 26 months away to officially claim that I am a certified house owner, I could almost taste it (fingers-crossed).
And in those 5 years, I managed to visit other wonderful places and what makes it sweeter is I was able to give my parents out-of-the-country trips which my mother described as something “we only thought would happen in our dreams”.  Sweet.

June 26, 2013. 2 days before I mark my 5th year in Singapore, I’m already home.... for good and hopefully for the better.  It was a decision that came too soon.

Sunday, June 09, 2013

Missing You

I miss you.... ;(

Saturday, May 11, 2013

On Mother's Day

I may not be a "real" mother to anyone, but with this message from an organization that I support for the past 4 years, it feels like..... I am :)  Thank you, kids! ;)

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

My Birthday Month

April.  My 2nd favorite month, next to December :)  Why?  For the very obvious reason that it is my birthday month.  I believe in celebration of life and as much as possible, I see to it that I share it with the most important people in my life, family and friends whether I'm here in Singapore or in Manila.  But how could I say happy birthday to myself if I'm not happy... if my mind is occupied by worries and doubts.  I have never been so afraid in my life than today.  I fear that I might not win in this battle of uncertainties, that I might end up disappointing the people who mean a lot to me.  I don't want them to worry about me, I don't want them to feel this agony that I'm going through.  But I know, sooner or later, they will know because they ought to know.

For some, they might think that I'm over reacting but they don't know what are at stake... what are at risk.  I'm trying to be strong because that's the only thing I have left, to remain strong and search for the answers with clear thoughts.

This coming Saturday, I'll be celebrating my 33rd birthday with my family and friends and I have to do the hardest task I could ever imagine doing: to pretend that everything is fine but behind the smile and laughter are tears of sadness, confusion and doubts.

I'll just break the news a day after but for the meantime, I'll be the Candy that I am known for ;)

But despite of all these, I am still thankful and grateful to the Lord God for giving me the  guidance that I need thru the people who have been helping me, may God bless you all. 

Breaking News

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

New Year 2013

Image courtesy of