Sunday, December 02, 2007

From Bantay Bata to Hospicio de San Jose

Disclaimer: My intention of writing this is to encourage everyone to help those in need, specially at this time of the year. It took me sometime to decide whether I should create an entry about this. I don't want to be misinterpreted that I'm doing such deed to gain praises... definitely not. All I wanted is to let everyone know that we can help anyone, at anytime. And I hope after reading my entry, you will find time to reach out for the less fortunate, for those who are not as "lucky" as we are.

Since I started working in 2000, I made a vow to share my blessings with my chosen institution every Christmas season. And because I have this "passion" for kids, I have chosen ABS-CBN's Bantay Bata Foundation. But 2 years ago, I started to think of other ways to fulfill my mission. I have thought of going personally to an orphanage and experience how is it like to be with the kids and elders who were abandoned by their families. But I knew then that I couldn't do it alone and maybe, I wasn't too eager and willing to do it. But now, thanks to the Christmas Decor Contest in Lawson that made this life-long dream come true.

The team decided to decor our working area with a theme, "All I Want for Christmas". Since we all agreed that what we wanted for Christmas is to share our blessings with the orphans, we've come up with an idea to give donations to Hospicio de San Jose. We wrapped our cubicles just like giant gift boxes that symbolize our gifts for Hospicio de San Jose. And in a baul, we put our gifts that will be sent to them before Christmas.

I couldn't hide my excitement in going to Hospicio. Believe it or not, one of my childhood dreams is to visit an orphanage, give gifts to the orphans and spend a day with them. Now, this dream will be coming true in a few days. So, my annual budget for Bantay Bata has been shifted to Hospicio de San Jose. I hope next year, I would have enough resources and more time to share with both charities.

*Pictures courtesy of SHSV and TLDV Team

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