Sunday, December 16, 2007

Shared Services and Tools Dev Christmas Party

Aside from the Company Christmas Party, we also had our team party held in Astoria Plaza Hotel in Ortigas. After a not-so-busy work on the 14th, Alan, Billy, Toti, Arcy and I went to the Hotel and met the rest of the guys there. The place was cool and spacious, enough for all of us. We ordered our food from Ambers (suki na 'to kahit sa ephil pa ko hehehehe....) and Toti was generous enough to order 2 large pizzas from Yellow Cab. After dinner, Nina, Alan and Rael led the fun games. We were divided into 3 groups and each group composed a cheer that I guess set the mood for the whole night hehehehe.

The games played were Pinoy Henyo, Charades and Paper Danz. Kinabag ako sa katatawa!!! Hahahaha!!!! In the end, Francis' group emerged as the winner. Congrats!!! :)

And here's our team pictures:

*By this time, ePhil is also having their Christmas Party. God knows how I wanted to be with them, if only I could be in two places. I miss you all guys but I'm pretty sure you'd be happy to know that I also had a great time with my new buddies here. You guys are all wonderful!!!! mwaaahhhhh!!!!

And the traditional "Exchange Gift" came next:

I wished for VCDs of Superman I and II and I'm so thankful that my Mommy Tia Pusit granted it, thanks! :) My baby was Zaldy Zschornack (did I spell it correctly?), he asked for a mouse pad with wrist support :). Merry Christmas!!!! :D

And now, it's time for the real party!!!!!

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