Wednesday, October 01, 2008


It's a holiday, Hari Raya Aidilfitri or End of Ramadan as we commonly know it. My first taste of a real holiday here. "Real" because the first holiday since I got here was last August 9, it was a Saturday, Singapore's National Day. And Saturday is a no-work day anyway. But since I had no money to spend today for shopping, I still stayed home hehehehe... watched some TV programs, had syesta and surfed the net.

And since I've been surfing the net the whole day, I just decided to review Subversion which I will install this weekend in the office. Yes! I'll be in the office this Saturday to setup SVN. Oh well, I'm not that frustrated after all. I won't be doing anything this weekend, so what a better way to spend the weekend in the office and get paid in return hehehehe.... I just hope SVN won't give me headaches this time :)

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