Saturday, October 11, 2008

I Like.... I Don't

Things that I like, so far, in my stary here in SG:

1. My room and dressing it up :)
2. I make my own diskarte sa buhay. What to cook for tonight, for tomorrow for next week. What to do with the left-over foods without throwing it away. When and how to laundry and iron my clothes. How to budget my money for one month, how to deal with difficult people hehehe... (I'm so mean..:P)
3. Transporatation is so convenient. Almost has access to everywhere without traffic jam.
4. Weekly sale.
5. I get to see my friends as often as I want, anytime of the day, without worrying on how to ask permission from my parents to stay late.
6. Internet connectivity. Sooo fast. Or baka naman nasanay lang kasi ako sa dial up sa pinas.. :P
7. Got the chance to practice my cooking skills and it's not bad after all *wink*... I told you, nay! I can cook! All I need is lot of opportunities hehehehe... but you're still the best cook in the worldwide universe mwahhhhh!!!! miss you po...

Things that I don't like, so far, in my stay here in SG:

1. Living with strangers.
2. When my diskartes are being ruined by inconsiderate people. Breaking the rules. Crossing the lines. Arrghhh!!!
3. Hindi kaaya-ayang amoy sa mga public transpo. Kailangang tagalugin, baka may nagbabasang ibang lahi hehehe...
4. The once-a-month payday. Being used to a semi-monthly payday, budgeting my moolahs is quite difficult especially when sales, promos and alikes are everywhere. Good thing I'm very much in control of myself hehehehe...
5. Just a few number of friends around since most of them are in Pinas.
6. Piracy is a no-no here that's why I'm having second thoughts whether to download tv series and mp3s or not.
7. Local seasonings do not meet my taste buds' requirements. Have to buy our own brands at not so reasonable prices in Lucky Plaza.

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