Thursday, October 30, 2008

Manila, Manila...

When I first came here in SG, there was no plan of visiting Manila 'til March of next year. I am not allowed to go home in December since most of my teammates had already filed their leaves even before I got hired. It's the sad truth. I will be spending Christmas away from my family.... first time it is. So I made the most out of my very short stay in Manila last week :) But it was still bitin.. :(

Oct 23:
I left an hour early in the office to finalize my stuff. I couldn't describe how I felt that time. Excited, nervous, happy, sad... haaayyy... Good thing I had already prepared my things few days earlier or else I might just missed some important stuffs. My mind was so occupied with a lot of things. I did not even feel hungry to think that my last food intake was about 7 hours ago. I left my place at 9:30 and reached the airport 15 minutes later. I was too early for my schedule in anticipation of whatever "trouble" that this trip would get me into. With the horrible stories I have heard about CebuPacific, I'd rather not want to take a risk. Just like what my friend Mitch had told me, "Mabuti na yung maaga ka, just in case na magka-aberya man, mahaba ang time mong makipag-away". Hehehehe.... Good thing, the check-in process was smooth, did not encounter any trouble and my baggage weighted just below their limit :)

Though I wasn't starving, I forced myself to eat. 3-hour flight is too long for me. I had Pasta with Salmon and an Iced Tea. I did not finish my dinner, though. The food could no longer pass thru my throat and my stomach could no longer accept it. Excited? Yeah.. I guess so.

I went around the Budget Terminal and got myself busy. Even surfed the net for 30 minutes while waiting for my 12:40 am flight. I Checked out some items in a perfume shop and promised myself to buy a bottle when I get back :)

Boarded the plane 30 minutes before the scheduled departure time. While I was making myself comfortable on my sit, a security approached me and asked for my passport and boarding pass. He read my name and dictated it to the one he was talking to on his radio. I did not bother to ask anything. I was too busy thinking a lot of things.

The plane departed on time.

Oct 24:
My Nanay's 60th birthday celebration at Max's Restaurant

After the party, nanay, tatay and I went to SM North for my eye check-up. I felt that I needed to upgrade my glasses and sadly, I was right :( While waiting for my new pair, I shopped for clothes and pants and my parents decided to go home. After an hour, I claimed my new eyeglasses then went straight to Lay Bare for some waxing. Got home at around 7pm, had dinner and slept.

Oct 25:
Because I requested for a kare-kare today, instead of having lunch outside (like we usually do when we go malling), we stayed home, savor the food that I missed so much plus 2 ripe mangoes for dessert hehehehe.... Few hours after, nanay and I were already in Trinoma, shopping for my clothes and some pabilin of my officemates. And of course, the day wouldn't be complete without Jollibee :D Had spaghetti, burger and even bought Jollibee doll which was supposed to be for my nephew but it ended here in my room bwehehehe.... Haayyy.... what a tiring but fulfilling day.

Oct 26:
Sunday, after attending a mass with nanay our destination is Megamall with tatay. Just before we stroll at the mall, my ATM card was captured in one of the machines after my 3rd attempt to withdraw (the first 2 were successful, though). I reported it to the banks concerned and I just decided to withdraw the remaining amount and transfer it to my tatay's account the next day. I couldn't wait a week to have my card returned and I didn't want this unfortunate incident to ruin my day. Good thing nothing happened bad to my savings :). So, we shopped a little, had lunch at Bangus restaurant and I had a hair treatment, manicure and pedicure at David's. While I was having a good time, my parents had their own share of "date" hehehe...

Oct 27:
I went to Glorietta alone to buy ensaymada for pasalubong to my friends and teammates. Around lunchtime, I met a friend and had lunch at SM Mall of Asia.

Oct 28:
Went back to SG :( I still found myself crying while waiting for my plane at the boarding area. Reasons: My next return to the Philippines is in March next year, won't be spending Christmas with my family; Won't be seeing my friends for a long while. Actually, I never got to see them during this short stay; Losing something (or is it someone?) that I thought would be mine eventually, but destiny has its own surprises.

It was the first time that I cried in a public place. I didn't mind of the people around me, all I wanted was to cry, and it somehow helped me but wasn't enough to ease the pain.

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