Tuesday, October 07, 2008

A Call from Singtel

Thursday last week when I received a call from Singtel:

SA(with local accent): Good afternoon, is this (my full name)?
Me: Yes?
SA: I'm glad to inform you that you won the 3rd prize in Singtel Ferrari Draw.
Me: What? Prize? What prize?
SA: A --------phone (I only got the word phone because the signal was not clear)
Me: What? A cellphone?
SA: No...no...no... a headphone (that's how I understood it).
Me: Ahh ok. I thought a cellphone.
SA: May I ask for your passport number for verification?
Me: Sure. (I dictated my passport number)
SA: Ok. We will send you the redemption letter by next week and you may claim your prize.
Me: Ok. Thanks. Bye!

*SA - Singtel Agent

And just an hour ago, together with my housemate Teena, we checked our mailbox. As I opened the letter, it wasn't a headphone that I'd won...... it is a..... Abangan......

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