Monday, December 15, 2008

10 Days Na Lang

While I was cooking beef steak for my baon tomorrow, I received this text message from my Nanay...

Nanay: Nak 10 days na lang pasko na simbang gabi na mamya mis na kita nak

I stopped for a while and read it couple of times more. I feel for my nanay. I miss them more. At least they only miss one person. But in my case, I miss them all... Tatay, Nanay, Kuya, Josh, my friends, my relatives. I miss the parties, gift-giving, preparation for the Christmas Eve, I miss everything there about Christmas. I wanted to sympathize with my Nanay but I didn't want her to know what I really feel. It will just make the situation even worse. So, I replied...

Me: Mis ko din po kau... Wag k na malungkot ha.. Dapat masaya tau kc pasko e :)

And she answered back...

Nanay: Ksi wala man lang christmas gift d2 sa bahay

After reading it, I got blanked. I left my cooking, went inside my room and while reminiscing every Christmas season of the past years, I was crying. By this time, gifts are overflowing just beneath our little Christmas Tree. Gifts that I had received from friends and gifts that I am about to give to almost everyone that I know. But now, not a single gift is present in our home. I know how much joy my parents are getting when they see a lot of gifts in the house, even if most them are not theirs, because they're really feeling the season.

I just told my Nanay to start buying gifts for Tatay and their first apo, my nephew, Josh. At least, the tree wouldn't be empty come Christmas time. If only I could give them something wrapped in a very colorful Christmas wrapper and send it to them right now, I would.

I wish Santa would drop by at our home and give them Christmas presents. It doesn't matter how small or big, cheap or expensive it would be, I just want to make them feel that someone remembers them.

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