Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas 2008

December 24 was still a working day here but good thing though, we were dismissed early. I was at home already at 4pm and took a 2-hr sleep. When I woke up, I got a call from my cousins and grandmother from Tondo, had exchange of greetings and afterwhich, I got myself ready for the evening mass. My first time to attend a mass in SG and it was overwhelming. I was with my best buddies, Michelle and Raylan together with his housemates. We spent the Christmas Eve at Raylan's place, with the traditional Noche Buena and exchange gift. And of course, I did not forget to call my family back home to greet them.

the gifts

Noche Buena

my friends

gift from Raylan

gift from Michelle

Thanks for inviting us to spend Christmas with you, guys! :)

Merry Christmas!

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