Sunday, December 28, 2008

New Year, New Look, New Home

This site will be unavailable for the coming days for a major renovation. This is going to be my last post for this year and let me greet you all:

HAPPY 2009!!!!

Huling Hirit

I'll take this quote with me as I welcome 2009:

"baka kaya tayo iniiwan ng mga taong mahal natin kasi baka merong bagong darating na mas ok, na mas mamahalin tayo... yung taong hindi tayo sasaktan at paaasahin... yung nag-iisang tao na magtatama ng mali sa buhay natin... ng lahat ng mali sa buhay mo...."

played by John Lloyd Cruz in the movie One More Chance - 2007

2008: Looking Back

My plan for 2008 was simple. ENJOY LIFE! Which I'd started with over/super-late night gimiks and out-of-town trips: La Union, Subic, Tagaytay, Montemar and Boracay. Though my initial plan was to explore more of Philippine Wonders first, the Hongkong trip just couldn't wait. And when I was about to plan for a Singapore-Malaysia tour, a job offer from the Lion City came. Now, here I am, a very proud OFW in Singapore, enjoying the independence... battling homesickness... exploring more places... making new friends... getting super busy at work... living and loving each second of my life :)

And obviously, the biggest decision of my life happened this year. Oh well, I've noticed that every year, I've always come to a point in my life that I needed to decide on something big. Some made me cry, others made me smile, some made me wander, others made me tougher. And just like in my previous life-changing decisions, I have no regrets at all...NOTHING.

What would be in store for me next year? Ahhhh... I don't know. But one thing is for sure, no matter what or where 2009 will bring me into, I will always be the best person I can be :)

And before the Year of the Ox greets us, I wanna say thank you to my family, friends, colleagues who made my 2008 the most challenging yet fulfilling year for me. I know the Almighty One brought you all to me because He knew, I wouldn't be a better person that I am now if I'd take everything all by myself. Again, a warm and sincere thank you to all of you.

Happy 2009!!!!! :)

Bringing Back the Old Me

I'm getting sick of drama. My own drama to be exact. I'm a jolly person, optimistic one, I smile a lot, I make people laugh, shares a positive aura. Or should I say, I used to be like that. Hhhhmmm... I'm trying to look back... 2-3 years ago... trying to remember how I lived. My goodness! A lot has changed. I am now an exact opposite of how I was some years back. It's ok to change, but if it becomes worse, better stop... look back and assess everything before it comes to worst.

For the past years, I've been trapped in a circle. And while searching on my way out, I was hurting myself. Hurt turned to suffering. Suffering led to misery. I may sound exaggerated here but it's true. Some things hold me back everytime I tried to escape. And just when I thought everything would be ok, emotions keep pouring in caused by just one and only one soul.

Until one day, I asked myself... "do I really need to suffer this much? I don't deserve a life like this. it wasn't me who made someone's life miserable, anyway."

I miss my old self. I think it's about time to bring it back.

Welcome, 2009! Welcome back, Candy! :)

Christmas 2008

December 24 was still a working day here but good thing though, we were dismissed early. I was at home already at 4pm and took a 2-hr sleep. When I woke up, I got a call from my cousins and grandmother from Tondo, had exchange of greetings and afterwhich, I got myself ready for the evening mass. My first time to attend a mass in SG and it was overwhelming. I was with my best buddies, Michelle and Raylan together with his housemates. We spent the Christmas Eve at Raylan's place, with the traditional Noche Buena and exchange gift. And of course, I did not forget to call my family back home to greet them.

the gifts

Noche Buena

my friends

gift from Raylan

gift from Michelle

Thanks for inviting us to spend Christmas with you, guys! :)

Merry Christmas!

CS - CM Team

I've been working here for 6 months already but I haven't posted anything yet about my new colleagues. So, here they are.... the Configuration Management Team - Private Banking of Credit Suisse, Singapore:

Novi's Bday Treat @ Sakae Sushi Changi Airport, November 6
(L-R) Ado (Team Manager), Novi (Team Lead), Candy, Pipay, Jeff, Sajeesh, Marc
*Erika was on MC when this was taken

Novi's Despedida @ Brewerks Clark Quay, December 11
with Erika this time

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Sunday, December 21, 2008

My Cooking Sucks

I don't know what's wrong with me that my last 2 dishes tasted awful. It wasn't the first time that I've cooked those that's why I've been wondering what went wrong. The sweet 'n sour pork last Wednesday and the macaroni soup this morning were the worst dishes I've ever cooked. Arrrggghhh!!!! Can't forgive myself. I guess if there is one lesson that I've learned with these experiences, that is : Never cook when you're not in the mood to do so. Yeah, that's the culprit.

Or maybe, I should take some time off from cooking and give myself a breather. And while in the resting period, I better search for more good foods to cook come next year. Why not? :)

From SG to Tagaytay

Just called my dear friends, Tabs, Niks, Jhie, Augs and Don. They are now having a good time in the very cold place of Tagaytay City. I sssoooo miss them. I was surprised that no single tear fell from eyes while talking to them and even after it. I've been laughing for the whole 15 minutes of kulitan, asaran, kantahan and exchange of Christmas greetings. And still smiling while typing this entry. Enjoy your stay there, sing and drink all you want!!!! Hehehehe...

Merry Christmas, friends!!! See you all soon! :)

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Yahoo! Mail

I think Yahoo! has added a bunch of features on their web mail. When I logged in this morning, I was asked to invite some frequently-emailed friends to be "connected" to them, whatever that means. I accidentally clicked the Invite button and afterwards, the page could no longer be displayed. I guess, they are still in beta testing. Anyways, whoever got my invitation, hehehehe... it's up all up to you guys whether to accept it or not. I haven't read fully its functionalities. Have a good day, everyone! :)

Monday, December 15, 2008

10 Days Na Lang

While I was cooking beef steak for my baon tomorrow, I received this text message from my Nanay...

Nanay: Nak 10 days na lang pasko na simbang gabi na mamya mis na kita nak

I stopped for a while and read it couple of times more. I feel for my nanay. I miss them more. At least they only miss one person. But in my case, I miss them all... Tatay, Nanay, Kuya, Josh, my friends, my relatives. I miss the parties, gift-giving, preparation for the Christmas Eve, I miss everything there about Christmas. I wanted to sympathize with my Nanay but I didn't want her to know what I really feel. It will just make the situation even worse. So, I replied...

Me: Mis ko din po kau... Wag k na malungkot ha.. Dapat masaya tau kc pasko e :)

And she answered back...

Nanay: Ksi wala man lang christmas gift d2 sa bahay

After reading it, I got blanked. I left my cooking, went inside my room and while reminiscing every Christmas season of the past years, I was crying. By this time, gifts are overflowing just beneath our little Christmas Tree. Gifts that I had received from friends and gifts that I am about to give to almost everyone that I know. But now, not a single gift is present in our home. I know how much joy my parents are getting when they see a lot of gifts in the house, even if most them are not theirs, because they're really feeling the season.

I just told my Nanay to start buying gifts for Tatay and their first apo, my nephew, Josh. At least, the tree wouldn't be empty come Christmas time. If only I could give them something wrapped in a very colorful Christmas wrapper and send it to them right now, I would.

I wish Santa would drop by at our home and give them Christmas presents. It doesn't matter how small or big, cheap or expensive it would be, I just want to make them feel that someone remembers them.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Malaysia 2008

When I learned that Tabel and her friends would be coming over for a short vacation and they would be going to Malaysia, I quickly asked If I could join them. I've been planning to go to KL and been waiting for the perfect opportunity and this is it! :) And of course, she couldn't say no to me hehehehe.... It was last November 22nd when they arrived and went straight to my place to leave their luggages. I wanted to be their guide around the city but because I just came from a very early shift in the office, I couldn't. After lunch that we had in Kopitiam of White Sands, they went to Orchard while I went back home to get some sleep. They got back at around 7pm together with our tickets to KL, they rested for a while and at 10pm, we left the house and took bus-mrt rides to Golden Miles Complex.

It was a smooth travel to KL. Just needed to 2 stop overs for immigration. We arrived in Puduraya at 5am, took 2 cabs (we were 7 btw) to Doth's cousin's (Bing) place. In the middle of the trip, a policeman (or was it policemen) chased one of our cabs and inspected their passports and bags. Our driver told us that the policeman/men just wanted money. But since all of us brought only enough money, these crocodiles did not get any from them. Good thing, nobody got hurt. We arrived at Bing's condo safely, rested for about 2 hours and we got ourselves ready for our trip to Genting Highlands.

Bus to KL ( we welcomed Tabel's bday on this bus :D )

Waiting for a cab going to Genting Bus Terminal

Genting Bus

inside the cable car

Happy Birthday, Tabel!

at Ripley's Believe It of Not Museum

yan ang pose! (minus the bags hehehe....)

tinulungan ko yung mamang kinagat ng pating....

nanliliit ako....


After Genting, we were supposed to go to KLCC to take shots with the glowing Petronas Twin Towers. But since it was already half past midnight when we arrived at the city and it was raining, we just decided to go there the next day. I was a bit disappointed 'coz I really, really wanted to take a shot of Petronas at night but I knew it wasn't safe to push thru with it. Next day it is! :)


Thanks to Tabel (i'll wait for the photos ha ;)), Doths, Bing, Elaine, Ana, Lod and Nanay (ni Ana) :)

*Special thanks to Bing, Doths and Lod for the additional photos

Dec. 18, 2008

Friday, December 12, 2008


My POSB Mastercard Debit Card has just arrived :) What a great way to start my weekend!!!! Need to activate it first thing in the morning :)

Monday, December 08, 2008


Booked a roundtrip ticket (SIN-MLA-SIN) for my next year's vacation (fingers crossed) from one of the travel agencies in Lucky Plaza. It costs SGD 535.00 and it's 100-dollar cheaper than the price online. But I'm still looking for a much cheaper rate and hopefully this weekend, I'll get to visit more agencies in LP and get a better deal. I called the Mabuhay Miles and inquired about my Miles redemption but sad to say, I still have to get 3000 miles points to redeem my rewards and they don't allow one-way ticket sale for international seats. If only I had half of the required miles points, I would only spend SGD 400++ for a roundtrip ticket. And with the current financial crisis we are having, every dollar should be wisely-spent.

If you know any travel agencies that offer better rates.. please PM me.. :) Thanks! :)

Friday, December 05, 2008


Where this sudden change of event will lead us up to?
Now, this is what I call a "real" drama...

A Year From Now

Nothing much to say. I just want to mark this date (December 5, 2008) and hopefully exactly a year from now when I turn to this page again, I'll be able to smile and say....

it's finally over.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Debit Card

I am in search of a best Debit Card in town. A debit card that I can use for online purchases and that won't require me to go to the bank and submit bulk of documents :) I've read about UOB, OCBC and DBS/POSB Debit Cards and since I already have an existing account with DBS, hopefully applying for a DC won't require me a lot of papers. I've checked its website and so far, for what I understand, I can apply online instantly! Hmmmm..... we'll see. But I have to make a decision ASAP so I can have it before the yeard ends.

So many plans for the coming year and having a DC will make it a little easier for me. I do have a CC but I think it would be best if I use a DC especially now that I want to explore on online purchasing. With this, I'd be able to control my spending and keep eveything within my budget. I hate overspending, though I haven't experienced it coz I always make sure that I only spend what I earn. With so many tempations left and right, getting a DC is the best option without depriving myself to live luxuriously (exag!!!! :D)

By the way, budgeting is my talent, second only to cooking.. nyehehehehe.... :P

Monday, December 01, 2008


Got a chance to watch a live PBA game yesterday at Singapore Indoor Stadium with Joe, Joey and their friends. Talk 'n Text versus San Miguel Beer :) Though my SMB lost the game, being at the stadium...seeing them in flesh... meeting my on and off the hardcourt idol Olsen Racela (second only to my forever idol, Samboy Lim) were all worth it. Being an SMB fanatic, no amount of money could buy the happiness it brought me (drama huh!). Plus I got to meet new friends, bumped to my 2 former officemates from Tsukiden, Ian and Eman (a part-time photographer-slash-programmer who was part of the media who covered the game). Of course, I was in my old candy-an-smb-fanatic-mode, screaming at the top my lungs everytime my team scores... cheering and clapping for them... bullying the opponent... aarrgghhhh.... I miss watching live PBA games at the Big Dome :(

The closest I could get to Olsen :)

My team's line-up

with the bday boy, Nash Racela

Merlion Mascot

Viva Hot Babes at the Half

Sunday, November 30, 2008


Meet Macky's little sister...... and her cohorts ;))

Christmas 2008 Wishlist

At this time of the year, I am usually getting busy listing down what to give to my family, friends and officemates for the coming Christmas. And by the time that the 13th month pay is released, all I need to do is shop, shop and shop :D But since I am thousand miles away from home and won't be spending the holidays with my family for the first time, I'm just keeping myself busy about everything, except Holiday shopping :(

And when I say everything, that includes my own Christmas Wishlist. Here it goes:

Oakley Breathless - got interested on this sunglasses while surfing the net during office hours early this year... :) found some good reviews about it and got to see it in some optical shops... too expensive, though.

How to Mend a Broken Heart by Aleta Koman - do I have to explain why? :( I did some research online and this book is available only in Amazon. So, how in the world can I get this? I can't use my credit card 'coz it's not enrolled for online purchasing. I badly, badly need this. Can somebody help me please? :(

iTouch - oh well, music + internet = superb! (Got this! :) )

One More Chance DVD - such a wonderful movie, watched with a set of wonderful friends. I just can't get enough of Basha and Popoy to think that it's been a year since it was shown. And together with the #2 wish, this little piece might help me. (Thanks, Tabel!!! Thank you also for the Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus and the Lapid's hehehe.. :) )

Philips Radio Clock - I had posted it here about my desire to get this.

Belle de Jour 2009 Planner - I got some not-so-good reviews about Starbucks planner so I shifted my interest on this. Available only in Powerbooks. There's no Powerbooks here.

Twilight Series - the series is composed of 4 books but since I already have the first, I'd wish for the other 3. Paperback will do :)

Logitech Mini Optical Mouse - I fell in love with it the moment I saw it from a friend. Pink to be exact :)

JOLLIBEE - haaayyy... I can't describe how much I miss jabee... :(( I even bought a Jollibee doll and brought it here. Kung pwede lang ipa-LBC ang mga langhap-sarap meals, nagpa-LBC na sana ako linggo-linggo.

1st Post: 11/08/08 @ 12mn

2nd Post: 11/25/08 @ 11:39am

SITEX 2008

This is the 2nd time I'd experienced this quarterly event here in SG. Unlike the first one, which happened last August, this time I really felt down into my bones that I was in an IT show! Hehehehe.... During the first time, my sole focus was to get the best Macbook offer from authorized Apple retailers, that's why I never looked into any other promotions: TVs, other laptops, cameras etc. Just spent 3 hours in Suntec, asked for a friend's friend's help to use her Citibank so I can pay installment and voila! Got my Macky :)

SITEX 2008 started last Thursday and will end today. Last friday, I accompanied Mitch during lunchtime at EXPO and she bought a Toshiba laptop with a lot of freebies! Canon printer, extended warranty, 4gb thumbdrive, optical mouse, slip case, laptop lock (I don't know if this is the right term, though :D ) and free upgrade to 2gb RAM. MS Vista is the OS by default.

After her, it's my turn to buy a Christmas gift for myself *wink*, an iPod Touch 16gb hehehehe... The freebies are: Silicon Case, Screen Protector, Speaker Case and a charger. Used my 3-day old Citibank Premier Miles credit card and now, Macky got a little sister :) Spent another 3 hours at the Expo on an office day (pasaway!) Even skipped lunch for this.

The following day, Saturday, I went back there and bought an 8gb Toshiba thumbdrive for S$24.90 and a 2gb Pendrive MicroSD for S$6.90. I quickly moved out of the hall after purchasing those 'coz I might not resist temptations anymore if I stayed longer.

Hopped to the adjacent hall for the John Little Sale. Bought some blouses for me and garments for my kuya and tatay. Also, this is the second straight day that I had skipped lunch.

Later in the evening, Mitch invited me to a friend's birthday party and stayed there 'til around 10pm. Stayed awake up until 2:30am to iron my clothes while watching Ugly Betty S1 :)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Finally, He's Mine!

Sorry if I wasn't able to introduce you perfectly to my friends. 'Coz I knew then that you were not yet mine really. I had to work hard and save some to make you mine and mine only :) Sorry if it took this long to let the world know how you were like, how we met, how I fell in love with you.

After 3 months of living in together, getting to know him better... making him part of my daily routine... I can now finally say, that he is mine!!!! :)

Friends, meet Macky.....