Sunday, December 28, 2008

2008: Looking Back

My plan for 2008 was simple. ENJOY LIFE! Which I'd started with over/super-late night gimiks and out-of-town trips: La Union, Subic, Tagaytay, Montemar and Boracay. Though my initial plan was to explore more of Philippine Wonders first, the Hongkong trip just couldn't wait. And when I was about to plan for a Singapore-Malaysia tour, a job offer from the Lion City came. Now, here I am, a very proud OFW in Singapore, enjoying the independence... battling homesickness... exploring more places... making new friends... getting super busy at work... living and loving each second of my life :)

And obviously, the biggest decision of my life happened this year. Oh well, I've noticed that every year, I've always come to a point in my life that I needed to decide on something big. Some made me cry, others made me smile, some made me wander, others made me tougher. And just like in my previous life-changing decisions, I have no regrets at all...NOTHING.

What would be in store for me next year? Ahhhh... I don't know. But one thing is for sure, no matter what or where 2009 will bring me into, I will always be the best person I can be :)

And before the Year of the Ox greets us, I wanna say thank you to my family, friends, colleagues who made my 2008 the most challenging yet fulfilling year for me. I know the Almighty One brought you all to me because He knew, I wouldn't be a better person that I am now if I'd take everything all by myself. Again, a warm and sincere thank you to all of you.

Happy 2009!!!!! :)


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to have been part of your life. Naks. Seriously. ~starbucks mug/tumbler

candylicious said...

hahahaha!!! same here, mare :)